Why do track nerds insist on calling high school track "Men's" and "Women's" track? It's "Boys'" and "Girls'"...why? Because the majority of the competitor are KIDS! I'm not calling a 15-year old pole vaulter a woman! She's a girl. A kid. End of story. Sorry, rant over.
You could do something on it. Just my opinion, but it's a real dick move by your home school. How hard is it to move the game time? Kids and parents put a lot of money into the prom and sometimes some of the stuff is scheduled pretty far in advanced. I'm saying this and I got into a bitchfest with a coach in my area because of this issue. During a local tournament, one of the schools had an issue with their bus and they were late. It pushed back the start time of the whole tournament, so they couldn't comeplete it in time for one of the schools to get ready in time for their prom. It ended up being some bullshit round-robin format, and because this asshole assistant coach saw me talking to another coach (their game ended earlier) and he ended up accusing me of being biased. Honestly, the prom team just didn't want to get their asses kicked by their rival on short notice. I know I really didn't explain that well, but it still pisses me off. Their AD later apologized. Anyway.....prom is scheduled months in advance and sometimes districts and states can't get their shit together until a couple of days ahead of time. Even up here, where football and basketball are king, you can't get a set in stone schedule for district finals if your life depended on it. I'm not talking about teams, I'm talking about time, date, place for each class. It's a nightmare.
Waiting to see what happens with the Section softball title game scheduled for Wednesday, the same night as Grad Night for one of the schools. The other school doesn't have to worry about that, since they're a playoff noob and don't have seniors this year.
Bottom line, people are just going to have to decide what's most important to them and live accordingly. Prom or softball/soccer? Career or family? Business or something else? We'd all like to have our cake and eat it, too. Life just ain't that way most of the time. I guess high school is as good of a time as any for that reality to set in.
This is why I know a few baseball and softball coaches who have described coaching in the spring as a "nightmare."
It's not just sports, teachers say the same thing. After spring break, students go on cruise control. They've worked really hard for 6-7 months, the weather is warming up, the finish line is in sight. They want to hang out (go to the mall was the thing in my day, have no idea what it is now). They don't want to practice or even play, in many cases. Typical teenage thing it seems.
Year-around school is the answer...why we don't do it is beyond me. The loss of retention over the summer is ridiculous, and yes, after spring break kids shut it down. April and May in school are almost useless.