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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Moderator1, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    it wasn't half as good as the movie. Movie was 10 times better
  2. Flip Wilson

    Flip Wilson Well-Known Member


    I was reading the last 50 or so pages of this last night after my students finished a final exam review. As the cop was investigating something creepy (no spoilers!), I realized I was in this big academic building all by myself. It was also kind of creepy. I went home and knocked out the last few pages.

    Really enjoyed it. No blood and gore like other King books, but more enthralling mystery.
  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Not a book per se, but I just found out that Terry Pratchett's Alzheimer's has finally begun to catch up to him. It's a damn shame.

  4. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Finished a book called "Robopocolypse"; an unfortunate title but the story was quite thrilling; similar to World War Z in that the story is told from various accounts/viewpoints; instead of zombies its a world where a computer had taken over and humanity has to fight back.
  5. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    If there are any horror fans here you should check out Christopher Golden's new novel, Snowblind.
  6. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    I read Good Omens a couple weeks ago. Easily one of the funniest books I've ever read.
  7. Mira

    Mira Member

    Picked up Snowblind by Christopher Golden, and I am plowing through it. Really like it.

    Posters at SportsJournalists.com always do a tremendous job with recommending books. The suggestions over the years have been fantastic.

    And if I could offer one: We Are Called to Rise by Laura McBride is a great read. Good storyline and character development. It took me only a few days to finish it.
  8. Flip Wilson

    Flip Wilson Well-Known Member


    Finished this last week. Strong start, strong end, kind of bogged down in the middle. The reporting was great. Zamperini was a pack rat, and it showed in the amount of detail throughout the book.


    And knocked this one out in a few days. The author talks about his struggles with Tourette Syndrome. He's got a pretty dry sense of humor. I really enjoyed this one. Joe Bob says check it out.
  9. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I read "My Korean Deli" by Ben Ryder Howe, which is about an editor for the Paris Review who buys a bodega in Brooklyn with his wife and his mother-in-law. Cute, but I came to become more and more annoyed with the author as the book went along.

    Also read "Showtime" which was a really fun read and obviously well researched.

    Now reading "Fear and Loathing in La Liga" by Sid Lowe about the Real Madrid-Barcelona rivalry. Enjoying it a lot and it really dispels much of the political overtones to the history of the teams.
  10. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Started Snowblind last night and am hooked; thanks for the rec!!
  11. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    The Hundred Foot Journey. Was a nice read. Foodie enough without being a cookbook. Going to see the movie tonight. In reading the acknowledgment, the author wrote the book in the hopes of making a film from it. I have a feeling the movie is going to an abridged form of the book even though it's less than 300 pages long. The Helen Mirren character appears only in the middle third of the book and the Indian family is Muslim not Hindu.
  12. Flip Wilson

    Flip Wilson Well-Known Member


    I knocked this out over the weekend, mainly so I could talk about it with a friend who teaches world religions. I was hoping it was going to be more of the author's story about actually working in the kitchen, but her time as a chef was just mentioned, but not in any great detail. She's led quite an interesting life, however, so she's got that going for her.

    Joe Bob says, "Meh."
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