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SONY hack: Difference between theft and leak

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by goalmouth, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. RecoveringJournalist

    RecoveringJournalist Well-Known Member

    The Sony emails did not include pictures of Jennifer Lawrence's tits. :D
  2. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it was his camp who recorded it, but the only issue is where Peterson was when he took the call. In many (if not most) states, only one party needs to consent to the recording (i.e., Peterson). Minnesota, Texas and New York statutes all allow one-party consent for recording calls, so there's no legal issue if he was in any of those states when the call occurred.
    Boom_70 likes this.
  3. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Makes sense. Thx
    bigpern23 likes this.
  4. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

  5. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    The cyber-terrorists have won!
  6. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    Rob Lowe :
    Wow. Everyone caved. The hackers won. An utter and complete victory for them. Wow.

    Judd Apatow:
    I think it is disgraceful that these theaters are not showing The Interview. Will they pull any movie that gets an anonymous threat now?

    Jimmy Kimmel: @JuddApatow I agree wholeheartedly. An un-American act of cowardice that validates terrorist actions and sets a terrifying precedent.

    Newt Gingrich: @RobLowe it wasn't the hackers who won, it was the terrorists and almost certainly the North Korean dictatorship, this was an act of war

    Piers Morgan: What 1st Amendment?

  7. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    If Sony had any balls, they'd either 1.) Screen the movie for free nationwide as an act of refusal or 2.) Release the movie on the July 4th holiday but add TWO HOURS to it and have Toby Keith rewrite the entire soundtrack.
    It's amazing that this might be the breaking point with our country and North Korea. A F**king Seth Rogen flick.
  8. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    74 years ago the Three Stooges and Charlie Chaplin each released films mocking/taking on Hitler. I doubt this movie is going to be the artistic achievement of The Great Dictator and won't be as important in terms of turning people's attention to something going on in another part of the world. I also get that we face completely different kinds of threats today.

    But doesn't this feel like a huge regression?
  9. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    Last I remember, Sony is a Japanese company. Let them fight that fight.
  10. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    What can the US do, bomb North Korea back to the stone age? Or as they call it in North Korea, Thursday.
  11. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    An "act of war"? Um, does Newt not realize Sony ain't affiliated with the U.S. Govt?

    Sony can fight its own battles. And Japan can jump in first if a national govt truly feels it must join in. It's primarily their corporation that got hacked, not ours.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
  12. Morris816

    Morris816 Member

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