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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Shades of the NBC affiliate in Jackson, Miss., back in the day, which kept White Citizens Council literature in the lobby and routinely broke into the national news with the "technical difficulties" card whenever it showed civil rights movement stories.
    Smallpotatoes likes this.
  2. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Actually they haven't, although certainly not for lack of effort by the obstructionist/saboteur redneck teabags, who have worked tirelessly to fuck up the country so they could blame it on the mooslim neegro.
    Killick, jr/shotglass and HanSenSE like this.
  3. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    What color is the sky in your world? Is is like a billowing darkness, just churning dust storms of locusts all the time, or is it more of a dull gray with dim rays of sunlight peeking through the mist, occasionally and briefly warming the surface of your hate boner?
  4. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Nothing says "eight years of horror" like your posts here, slick.
  5. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    Eh. Just let him wallow in his misery.
    HanSenSE and cranberry like this.
  6. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Truth has always horrified the left. Tell me something I didn't know.
  7. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    Typical. They knew it tore a hole through their nominee's claim to fame.
    Whose family values would you rather have? Those displayed by the military family on the stage tonight or those of the Duggar family, embraced by candidate Mike Huckabee and Fox News as victims of an alleged war on Christianity?
  8. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    franticscribe and Smallpotatoes like this.
  9. BadgerBeer

    BadgerBeer Well-Known Member

    WTF? If any of you think she was shouting you are the most sexist fucks I have ever read. She was brilliant. In a convention with more great speeches than I can remember, Her delivered a fucking dandy. I was in a local pizza parlor/bar in Wisconsin during the speech. They had the TV turned up and the jukebox turned down. As we listened a drunken village idiot was yelling..."STF up bitch"...I went over to him and asked if his name was Tony. He said no. I don't believe him.
  10. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Unlike Dumpf, HRC did not sensuously squeeze her daughter's ass on stage after accepting the nomination.

    HanSenSE likes this.
  11. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    "A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."
  12. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    Tony chastising people for ignoring the truth is one of my favorite things about this thread.
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