I'm not sure if this is a Sports and News or a Journalism board topic (or a DB, even), but I just read this story by Baxter Holmes on the NBA's peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich addiction. I love both the information in the story, which I knew nothing about, and the way that information is conveyed. It's great. Thought you guys might enjoy it, too. The NBA's secret addiction
Also improving player performance in the NBA? Tinder -- since they don't have to spend all night chasing women. Inside the 'Tinderization' of today's NBA
I really enjoyed this, especially the hubbub when they tried to replace the white bread with something healthier. I prefer jam to jelly on my PB&J.
I have never agreed with you on the Golf thread but we have found common ground. I salute you Sir for having the guts to speak out against the evils of jelly.
It gets a few hundred calories at once into my son, who barely eats otherwise. That's good enough for me.
endurance sports are for athletes who have a shit taste in sports. jk. I have never understood the attraction to PB&J. It looks revolting and tastes worse.