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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Erasing ties to Jackson since 2015:

    State by State, Democratic Party Is Erasing Ties to Jefferson and Jackson

    For nearly a century, Democrats have honored two men as the founders of their party: Thomas Jefferson, for his visionary expression of the concept of equality, and Andrew Jackson, for his populist spirit and elevation of the common man.

    Political candidates and activists across the country have flocked to annual Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners, where speeches are given, money is raised, and the party celebrates its past and its future.

    But these time-honored rituals are colliding with a modern Democratic Party more energized by a desire for racial and gender inclusion than reverence for history. And state by state, Democratic activists are removing the names of Jefferson and Jackson from party gatherings, saying the two men no longer represent what it means to be a Democrat.

    The Iowa Democratic Party became the latest to do so last weekend, joining Georgia, Connecticut and Missouri. At least five other states are considering the same change since the massacre in June at an African-American church in Charleston, S.C.

  2. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Your posts are good examples of what I'm talking about ... are you aware that some well-regarded historians now consider his push for the removal of the Cherokees to have been guided by his concerns for their survival (as a nation)?
  3. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Another page for the "Trump: What an Asshole" file ...

    The Trump administration pressured the government of Argentine President Mauricio Macri to rescind an award to former Democratic President Jimmy Carter. Carter, a frequent critic of the authoritarian tendencies of the Trump administration, was set to be honored by Argentina with the Order of the Liberator General San Martín, the equivalent to America’s Medal of Freedom, however, the Trump administration moved to quash this.

    Buenos Aires Herald: "The Mauricio Macri administration reverted a decision to award former US president Jimmy Carter the Order of the Liberator General San Martín — the maximum distinction that the country can give to a foreign personality — under the pressure from US President Donald Trump’s administration, CNN web site reported this week. The official tribute, which had already been approved by the foreign ministry and was published in the Official Gazette, was cancelled after receiving a specific request by the US government, which would have suggested it would be better to delay it. Carter was to be given the award for his work in promoting human rights during Argentina’s last military dictatorship."

    Trump Administration Pressures Argentina To Rescind Award To Former President Jimmy Carter | The Intellectualist
  4. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    200 years after his birth, Democratic president makes pilgrimage to his burial site to pay tribute to Jackson:

    Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, had breakfast at the Hermitage on March 15, 1967, the 200th anniversary of Jackson’s birth, after a three-day tour of Appalachia. In a speech, he acknowledged Jackson’s record as a slaveholder but paid tribute to the “political transformation” he had brought to American democracy, bringing power to the people while emphasizing the indivisibility of the Union, a stance Johnson contrasted with the states’ rights ideology of another Southerner, the secessionist John C. Calhoun.

    Johnson, a Democrat, also painted an inclusive picture of Jackson’s populism, linking it to his own Great Society agenda. “We are still striving to involve the poor, the deprived, the forgotten American, white and Negro, in the future of their society,” he said. “So the task Jackson set is still undone.”

    Julian E. Zelizer, a historian at Princeton, noted that in an address to the Tennessee legislature later that day, Johnson changed tack, talking about the Vietnam War and the need for the kind of “rugged confidence” Jackson had.

    “He used Jackson the military hawk, not Jackson the populist,” Mr. Zelizer said. “He used it to send a tough signal that victory was possible.”

  5. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    Lots of good reasons to dishonor Carter, but when you do it while making nice with Duterte it undermines any credibility you might have for it and reminds that whatever Trump does right was likely accidental.
  6. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Maybe we could stop debating which party owns the entirety of Jackson's legacy and focus on the current president's complete ignorance of the history of the country he's supposed to be leading.
  7. cisforkoke

    cisforkoke Well-Known Member

  8. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    I'm not a Carter fan.
  9. cisforkoke

    cisforkoke Well-Known Member

    Recent evidence points in a different direction.
  10. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    "He was complicated. You wouldn't understand."

    "I think I understand. He was a complicated, multi-dimensional man."

    "No, no. It's far too elevated a concept for you."

    "He lived in the 1830s and didn't have the perspective we have now."

    "You simply don't get it."

    "There were quite admirable things about him, but there were still some things that are inexcusable, even given the time frame he lived in. So maybe we should leave him to history, learn from his successes and mistakes, but not glorify him almost 200 years later.

    dixiehack likes this.
  11. cisforkoke

    cisforkoke Well-Known Member

    The Trump quote is near gibberish, but anyone who thinks there were no events building toward the Civil War during Jackson's time is displaying the usual high-level ignorance that defines this thread.
    doctorquant and YankeeFan like this.
  12. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

    No, you don't get it. Someone else did something else at some other time, therefore Donald Trump is qualified and doing a great job.
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