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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, yeah.

    I'm a realist. I don't expect Trump to make the oceans recede, like Obama's believers thought he could accomplish.
  2. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

  3. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    He has hindered the effort for sure, but don't let the GOPe off the hook here. McConnell and Ryan should have had a detailed plan in place long before Trump was elected. Incompetent leadership is a huge part of what allowed Trump to win the nomination. I don't want to hear any fucking excuses. The real dealmakers are supposed to be the party leaders. If they -- especially McConnell -- are looking for someone to pin this failure on, look in the mirror. None of them should be whining. You're in a position to do something. Do it.
  4. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    Benghazi has no idea what you're complaining about.
    Jssst21 and FileNotFound like this.
  5. CD Boogie

    CD Boogie Well-Known Member

    You're a realist. Hmmm. You voted for a guy who has no political experience, the disposition of a two-year-old, and shit on everyone in the GOP field on the way to winning. But you expected him to get things done. You're not a realist. You're delusional.
  6. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    I said this when he first got in the race. Gaining support because he's an outsider is fine, but true outsiders are not going to fit in. You have to know how to play the game. He doesn't, and right now it seems he has no interest in learning.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I disagree with you. When you are trying to see if there is a linkage -- such as Trump or his campaign having illegally colluded with the Kremlin in some way during the campaign -- you follow the money. Any experienced investigator delves into the money trail. The money trail was the key in Watergate, for example.
    FileNotFound likes this.
  8. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    Jesus Christ, Americans died in that clusterfuck. You don't think an investigation was warranted?
    SpeedTchr likes this.
  9. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Manafort, this caught my eye the other day. A Chicago bank has nearly a quarter of its loan portfolio out to Manafort and/or his LLC.

    Report: Prosecutors demand records on Chicago bank's loans to Paul Manafort

    A responsible, well-run bank doesn't lend out 25 percent of what it has got to anybody. Not Bill Gates, not Warren Buffett, not the Pope pledging the Vatican as collateral with a notarized letter of introduction from Jesus.
  10. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Does the president himself saying, "If you try to investigate this, I'll fire you" count as probable cause?
    dixiehack likes this.
  11. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    I bolded the most important word.

    We had AN investigation. And then we had ANOTHER investigation. And then ANOTHER. And then ANOTHER. And then ANOTHER. And then ANOTHER. And then ANOTHER. And then ANOTHER.

    And then the election happened, and the GOP quietly closed the investigation with a report that confirmed basically everything we learned from investigation No. 1. .... except for Hillary's emails, of course.
    Baron Scicluna likes this.
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.

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