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Press Box Attire - College Football

I've seen a lot of guys that "dress like a schlub" that could write circles around the guys that were dressed to the nines. Who do you think had my respect?
Well, ideally you'd be able to write a little and not look like a slob. It ain't that hard. My overall point: It is never OK to represent the organization that pays you looking like a slob. Yes, I get it, the coat and tie days are over and I'm fine with that. I'm OK with jeans. But do not be a slob. I don't care how well you write, you won't represent my department looking that way. Plenty of top-notch writers out there who can clean up a little bit.

Also guys WHO. Also not that hard.

Carry on.
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I respect you good dressers but when the coaches of teams are wearing golf shirts with the team emblem they are setting the standard for it being casual casual casual. With all their rules and such restricting access, why would you get dressed up for a football game on a 99 degree late summer afternoon? Now winter sports like NBA or college basketball or NFL, yeah you wear dress slacks and button down shirt or sportscoat no tie like u said. But college football in the summer? Crazy to not go casual.
I don't get this. Coaches are often running around or certainly moving animatedly bc they are actually on the field or near a court. You're not a member of the coaching staff, so I don't understand why you're trying to mimic their outfits. Jeans, blazer and a dress shirt but no tie. Can't go wrong with that look.
Twenty-five years in coverage and this worked for me. If it's hot, golf slacks and golf shirt. If it's cool, same with a sports jacket. Colder than that, a sweater as part of the ensemble. Footwear, whatever keeps them dry in the walk from the parking lot (important in New England). Only criticism I ever got was from Rod Carew, who did not like my colorful late-70s golf slacks and said in a tone of total contempt "Tell me, who's your tailor?"
I tend not to wear ties unless I'm at funerals or NHL games in Montreal. But I don't do golf shirts either, although they are fine. Always a jacket and button down, sometimes jeans, sometimes slacks, usually depends on the occasion. Yes college football in the south in September can get warm but the press boxes are usually air conditioned so you will eventually dry off. If you sweat like a madman regardless, don't wear the jacket while you are walking from your car to the stadium.

Or just wear a Whitlock Ball State jersey. Either way is good with me.
My former SE late on a fall Friday afternoon:

"Sneakers and jeans, huh? Sneakers and jeans? Know who's wearing sneakers and jeans tonight? The guys at (10,000 daily down the road). You can join them anytime you like. I'll help you.

"Sneakers and jeans?"

Generally for me, it would be a polo/dress shirt, jeans/khakis and sneakers/loafers (all depended on how I was feeling and where I was going).

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