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Terrible News For One of Our Own

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    MileHigh posted a picture today of his mom with her grandchildren and I couldn't stop crying. As many have noted, I just can't imagine. I hope MH and his family are able to return to some level of normalcy at some point.
    Vombatus and MileHigh like this.
  2. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, Inky. Why we chose them:

    ChildSafe is the organization of the wife of the original owner of my brother-in-law's business. It helps with resources for children of abuse, mostly sexual abuse.

    Garfield County Search and Rescue. This is an all-volunteer group that relies on donations. What they went through and had to endure to reach the crash scene. And how the scene was described to the family -- no one should have to endure. Even if it's an everyday thing they do. Yes, it was that bad. Numerous coroner's offices were called in and all of them, we were told, said it was one of the toughest scenes they have endured. We are very grateful for all of their efforts.

    Bauder Elementary School. My sister several times noted several underprivileged children at the twins' school who would not have the means to get, for instance, snow boots and jackets in the winter. Every cent will be donated to the school to go to help children in need.

    Naples Community Park. This is my brother-in-law's hometown that needs help in improvements to the park, especially playing fields for kids.

    Friends of Larimer County Parks and Open Space. My sister was a huge outdoors advocate, which isn't saying much here in Colorado. We all are. But she routinely was seen on hiking trails, on the ski slopes in Steamboat, you name it.

    Again, thank you all. We are hanging in there, but it's like a recurring nightmare that won't end. But I'm eternally grateful for all of your outreach, compassion and support.

    Trust me -- I see it, I feel it and it has been a huge help.
  3. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, Moddy. Yeah, that picture put up by mom just really stirred things with me -- and many, many others. But that's her -- and those are the kids. We are a super-tight family.

    As you can all imagine, it's been tough. It's indescribable. Yesterday was spent getting the services together and nailing down a large venue. The folks at my brother-in-law's company said they think 2,000 to 3,000 people could attend the service. They had that much impact on Fort Collins and people in general.

    Today was another hard day. Getting their wills. Finding a resting place at a cemetery in Fort Collins. Meeting with the celebrant for the services (graveside in the morning, in a large community church in the afternoon).

    But my brother and I had some time for lunch -- and some beers for Jen.

    My sister and a cousin, who was like a sister to Jen, have been going through thousands of photos for a montage to be shown at the service.

    We have tons of support. Doesn't make it easier. And I said earlier we are very, very lucky to have the financial means to get through this. We know many other families wouldn't be so lucky.

    I also have to say my employer has been off-the-charts incredible toward us. Giving me as much time as needed. Wanting to do anything for us, including offering to send meals up for our large families next week when so many will be in town for the services. I could not be more grateful. I stopped into the office this morning and so many people came up to me, offering hugs, tears in their eyes. I'm lucky to have them.

    The services will be next Friday, the 29th. Full obit in the next post.

    Again, thank you all. It means a lot.
    Liut and Vombatus like this.
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

  5. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    MileHigh likes this.
  6. Chef2

    Chef2 Well-Known Member

    Son of a bitch. These dust bunnies are bad this time of year.
    @MileHigh, how you have managed to be so strong during this unspeakable tragedy is a true testament to who you are.
    May God Bless You man.
    Vombatus, Dyno, wicked and 2 others like this.
  7. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks. It's ... a lot. This whole thing has been about as bad as you can imagine -- times another million. It's f-ed up beyond belief.

    But the outpouring has been just incredible. For instance, a Fort Collins graphics company reached out and said they wanted to print the pamphlets that will be given out at the service. A really good friend in California is sending dinner for our family on Thursday. My employer is insisting they send food for our large extended family on Friday after the service. The generosity of people and companies ... I can't explain it.

    I know the station I work for is the pool camera for the Denver TV stations at the services on Friday afternoon. There could be up to 2,000 people there. That's how much this is reaching out here.

    I know our station is going to stream the services on Facebook Live. I'll post that when I know for sure that's going to happen.

    Again, everyone: Thank you. The private notes and the outreach on this thread are so uplifting and helpful. I can't put it into words how much you all have been helping.
  8. albert777

    albert777 Active Member

    We're a community here and we lift each other up. It's part of our nature. You're not going through this alone.
    Vombatus and MileHigh like this.
  9. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    My brother-in-law put together an unbelievable slideshow that will air before and after the services on Friday that all of the super-immediate family watched last night as we're staying at a house in Fort Collins.

    There's a private graveside service this morning, then the open services begin at 2 p.m. MDT. It's my expectation that FOX31 Denver will stream the services on Facebook Live.

    FOX31 KDVR.com

    Even with all of us here -- my parents, two brothers, sister, their spouses and most of my nieces and nephews -- it's still just not real. I'm sure that will change today. It's all so numbing.

    Again, thank you all for your outreach personally to me and on here. It means a lot.
  10. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Friday was rough sledding. Graveside service, then the public memorial where we had close to 1,000 in attendance,

    I do not wish this on anyone. It's mind-boggling. It's frustrating. It's heart-warming. It''s encouraging. It's rough.

    Again -- thank you. All of you. From the PMs to the comments on here. I can't express how it has touched me.
    HanSenSE, HC, ChrisLong and 1 other person like this.
  11. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Hi all. We are coming up on eight months since the crash.

    In the weeks after the crash, an anonymous benefactor approached Addison's and Benjamin's school with a monetary donation with the intent of putting in a buddy bench on the school grounds in honor of the family. My sister volunteered a lot of time at the school since the kids started going there in kindergarten so she was well known to everyone there.

    On Friday, my brothers and parents came out from California and along with myself, my sister's family who lives out here, a handful of cousins, some friends of Jen and Jeff and the top employees at the company they owned, there was a dedication and unveiling of the bench at the school.

    A group of kids from the school sang a couple of songs and the assistant principal spoke of how things have been since Addy and Benny died and how they hope to have the bench used by the kids.

    We were all blown away by the bench and it was something we did not expect. We thought it would be smaller and have a small notation of why it's there. As you can see below, it's not that at all, but instead an incredible memorial to the four of them.

    The tough part was how many kids were so emotional about it afterward. A lot of them were sitting on the bench balling their eyes out and a lot of us comforted them. My mom and sister spent a lot of time with Benny's best friend. Rough sledding.

    Still, it was an emotional and incredible day. We are all humbled by it.

  12. Dyno

    Dyno Well-Known Member

    What a beautiful tribute to your family. Thanks for sharing this with us.
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