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Even The Wolf likely can't clean up Harvey Weinstein's pending troubles

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Double Down, Oct 5, 2017.

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  1. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Carelessness. Nobody could write a tweet about this without keeping one eye on TrumpTwitter and Fox News all day.

    P.S. We are all hoping your flight has WiFi.
    Double Down and doctorquant like this.
  2. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Rosie could have done what Ronan Farrow did. She had the connections and platform. People would have told those stories to her.
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Another open secret.

  4. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    I've written here about the man who was supposedly my "father" for the first 40 years of my life.

    He's now serving a six year sentence for sexual abuse of a child.

    When I was 5, he molested my only friend - a girl my age. It was a Saturday and she came over to play. Just the two of us and him. Baseball game came on and, knowing that I would be glued on every pitch, he lured her into another room.

    Twenty minutes later, a rain delay hits on the game. I go looking for my friend and found them.

    As a child; you never forget that. I still remember the date. Still remember what I had just eaten.

    What was I going to say? I felt incredible shame, that I should have done something. As a five year old. Our friendship was never the same.

    We moved away two years later. I never reached out to her. Never on Twitter. Never on Facebook. I wanted to but felt too much shame.

    Five years later, he gets married to a woman with three kids. About the same age as me.

    (tangent as I watch the MNF game: God, those Peloton bike moms are hot. I still need that first post-divorce date. Can't wait to start my free agency tour here in town...)

    What am I going to tell the stepmom who was in love with this man and saw me as the ungrateful 11 year old son? "Watch out. He'll molest your kids."

    It came out 27 years later that's exactly what he did. Her youngest daughter (and that went on for a decade) and ALL five of her grandchildren.

    Not my kids. I never let him be alone with them.

    I knew he had the potential to do it again but his $400 a month child support check each month was the difference on whether my mom and I had heat in the house.

    Ultimately, his prison sentence broke up my marriage. Wife flipped out, started drinking and wouldn't stop. Wine became her best friend. Not her family.

    All throughout, for two years, I was one drunken false and accusatory Facebook post (by her) from having my career ruined. She often said she could ruin my career with one post if she wanted to, whether it was true or not.

    A person never forgets that.

    I had to navigate an angry divorce, a prison sentence by a child molester and keep it all out of public. All in a court climate where the father is assumed to be the lesser parent of the two. Like playing a two-year game of the old board game of Operation.

    So when I see the MeToo movement, I just hope it's from a place of fear and survival. Not from some guy at the office who may have looked at you by the copier for a half-second too long while smiling.
  5. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Add Andy Dick to the list.
    This one reads like an Onion article.

    Andy Dick Fired From Film for Sexual Harassment: ‘My Middle Name Is Misconduct’

  6. Didn't he get sued for putting his crotch in some guy's face?
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Or as he likely refers to it, "Tuesday at lunch."
  8. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    I thought Andy Dick's middle name was The.
  9. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    What purpose does "Open Secret" serve? It appears to be some attempt to justify the action and douse the outrage.

    Open secret only works against people who knew, not others.
  10. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    If you're concerned that women are overdramaticizing their "me too" moments, feel free to ask some of the women in your life their stories.
  11. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Flight attendant: Sir, would you like the chicken or the vegetarian option?

    YankeeFan: I'd like to make it clear I'm sitting on the LEFT side of the plane in protest.

    FA: Excuse me?

    YankeeFan: When I booked these tickets, I said I wanted us seated on the RIGHT side of the plane. Just saying "Your seats are on the left" makes my skin crawl.

    FA: Sir, you were upgraded to Business Class for free because we thought you'd be more comfortable while traveling with a child.

    YankeeFan: Oh, so your airline believes in affirmative action? I got something I didn't pay for based on my special snowflake status? Unacceptable. I might as well be Bernie Sanders. Look at this guy walking past me on his way to coach, he has probably never gotten laid in his life. Why does he deserve less than what I got just because he's woefully unattractive and no one will bear his seed? Put me back in the seats I paid for — with my own bootstrap pulling!

    FA: Well, I'll see what I can do. It's going to be very difficult to just move you just as the flight is taking off. Perhaps some people will agree to switch with you.

    Dick Whitman: When you're a star customer, the let you do it. I don't even wait, I just move. Grab them by the seatbelt. You can do anything.

    FA: Sir, what you've just described is a criminal act and I'm going to have to ask you to leave this flight.

    Dick Whitman: No, no, no... you're not following here, Ms. They let you grab their seatbelts. To interpret it any other way is to mock the language.

    YankeeFan: I'll have the chicken, by the way. I'll be dammed if I'm going to get on that Rapey Bill Clinton Vegan Diet.
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