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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Ken Starr is perfect for the Trump Administration. Has no trouble at all overlooking or covering up sexual harassment. Kind of person Trump can relate to. Also might able to let Trump know special counsel investigations can lead anywhere and go on for a loooooooong time.

    Starr’s disgraceful performance at Baylor disqualifies him from being taken seriously ever again. Perfect for Fox News, too!
  2. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Criminals seek others who may have conducted themselves poorly in order to unload or distribute blame rightly assigned to them. Trump does this with ex-aides like Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos, who he presents as little known by him and/or having gone rogue.

    Criminals will claim a conspiracy as the cause of their problems. The most common conspiracy alleged is between witnesses or members of law enforcement. Trump repeatedly alleges that government officials and law enforcement officers conspired against him.

    Criminals want to talk about the investigation itself, rather than what and who the investigation is investigating. Trump obsessively complains about aspects of the investigation against him that don't actually change the underlying evidence.

    Criminals will often seek contact with known witnesses either to convince them not to testify, to change their story, to remain loyal to the defendant, or to intimidate them. Trump did this with Flynn, Yates, Comey, McCabe, Sessions, his son, and others.

    Criminals eagerly discuss subjects beyond their pending case when doing so distracts from their criminal liability. Trump's war on "fake news" and unhinged tweetstorms distract attention from an investigation threatening to take him down.

    #6 REFUSE TO ANSWER VALID QUESTIONS. Criminals refuse to discuss, sometimes even with a lawyer, inculpatory facts, whether things they said, decisions they made, or actions they took. Trump has successfully evaded answering even the most basic questions on what he knew and when.

    Criminals often assure allies and defenders that there's nothing to be found against them and they'll shortly be exonerated, even when nothing in the facts supports this view. Trump's wild claims that he'll soon be exonerated fall into this category.

    Criminals often float self-aggrandizing hypotheticals in the form of bet-hedging: "Even if I did X, it wouldn't be illegal, or I would've been justified..." Trump does this most flagrantly when discussing whether he told Flynn to negotiate with Russia.

    #9 PLAY DUMB.
    Criminals will claim to have no knowledge of things they obviously would have known about. Trump claims to have known absolutely nothing any of his aides (even his own sons) were doing with the Russians, a claim that strains credulity well past the breaking point.

    Criminals exhibit anger in response to warranted criminal accusations; in my own experience, innocent people react to false accusations with signs of confusion, fear, and depression. Trump has responded to Mueller with rage and false self-assurance.

    Criminals accused of, say, assault will often level new claims (even unrelated ones) that someone else is guilty of assault. Trump regularly accuses people of the lying, cover-ups, and treasonous conduct he stands accused of now.

    Criminals will try to slow the investigation against them, including by refusing to speak or delaying speaking to investigators. Trump not only won't speak to investigators, he's tried to fire, get reassigned, or force into retirement those investigators.

    Criminals are smart enough to know that they must never be placed under oath on the subject of their crimes. Trump, despite saying in the Rose Garden that he'd speak to Mueller under oath, has thus far refused to make good on that assurance.

    Even though criminal defense attorneys have access to clients' criminal records, criminals often attempt to downplay or deny their criminal pasts. Trump has denied provable and known frauds, perjuries, and clandestine foreign contacts from his past.

    Criminals lie out of fear; they tell grandiose lies out of a false belief they can orchestrate their exoneration. Trump's lies about how he conducted himself at the Ritz Moscow in 2013 (grandiose and quickly disproven) are an example of this.

    #16 DRAW OTHERS INTO THEIR COVER-UP. Criminals are so focused on their own survival that they needlessly draw innocents into their schemes for self-salvation. Trump uses others (including attorneys, spokespeople, aides, and family members) to spread lies about his Russian ties.

    Criminals, especially those who've participated in a conspiracy, necessarily operate within a small circle of trust. Trump has surrounded his business dealings with family members and attorneys to make it unlikely or impossible that anyone will rat him out.

    Criminals know statutes are well-defined, so they get cute with language to seek out wiggle room in their criminal liability. Trump uses word games, misquotations, false definitions, and linguistic misdirection to undercut precise legal terms and concepts.

    Criminals recruit dodgy witnesses or pursue suspect lines of inquiry to evade probes whose just administration they know will catch them. Trump uses House allies, Fox News, and dodgy pals to build a wall of allies around himself.

    Criminals hope that, if they don't have the facts on their side, they can at least get others to say they're a good person. Trump pumps up supporters' adulation, praise, and encouragement at every turn to transform popularity into innocence.

    Criminals deny knowing people they believe they can credibly deny knowing, if knowing them would be inculpatory. Trump has done this with Papadopoulos, Sater, Page and many others who he definitely knows but who he fears Mueller has linked to him.

    The above applies only to the 5% of arrested individuals who a) did exactly what they were accused of, and b) refuse to admit what they did and then seek a just punishment via plea. Trump is in the tiny minority of criminals who won't take responsibility for their actions.
  3. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

  4. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

  5. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

    I'm amazed by how much everybody obsesses over Trump. You've got at least three more years. You might as well find another hobby. Like smoke weed.
  6. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    It's a compelling tweet thread. Posted in full here for convenience.
  7. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Well, to be fair, this is a politics thread. And we’re witnessing an era of politics politics unlike any other.

    Seems kinda sorta relevant to discuss Trump’s behavior on a politics thread.
    lakefront likes this.
  8. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't trust him to put on his underwear straight in the morning much less be the least bit sophisticated enough to play 'word games' with anyone.
    His language is shit salad because he can't think on his feet, and he uses 'misdirection' because he is a liar.
    I doubt whether he is even cognizant enough to know he is lying.
    heyabbott likes this.
  9. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

    I know, but here's a question for all of us: who here has been able to keep up with this thread?

    I only read one or two pages per day. I can't keep up.

    I liked these threads better when I could actually follow them.
  10. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I do admire the GOP - you're either all in with helping the cover-up or you're outside the circle of trust. My guess is that at some point some reporter from a foreign news outlet will finally break the spell at one of those pressers with foreign dignitaries and ask the President why he is so upset with his unpopularity when he continues to advocate unpopular policies.
  11. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    To paraphrase @HanSenSE: This ain't the school yearbook. We update all day long.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  12. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Meh. Some stuff, you just miss. It’s also easy to scroll past posts from folks who always post the same stuff. Makes it go more quickly.
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