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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Unlike you, I’m waiting for the results of the fucking investigation.
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Oh. OK.

    So, as of this moment, are you unwilling to say that Russia and the Trump campaign colluded to help him win the election?
  3. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    If only Nunes had read sj.com...
    HanSenSE likes this.
  4. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    According to "Fire and Fury," he didn't really want to win and was “horrified” when on election night the numbers started trending toward him. He was counting on losing to Clinton, then taking advantage of his brand recognition over the previous 18 months to start a Trump television network.

    But he wanted to win so badly he colluded with a foreign government and broke all kinds of federal laws to do so.

    Vombatus likes this.
  5. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    The second one
  6. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Was I not clear? You’re as mad as Trump “The Memo” was a partisan piece of shit that made things worse for him.
  7. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Wolff just made everything up? Two million copies of utter nonsense being read (and mostly enjoyed) by Democrats all over the country?
  8. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    It doesn't have to be an either/or. It could have been that he hated Hillary and didn't want to be humiliated—because an all-time defeat to a woman, no less, would not have helped his idiot brand—so he conspired and bumbled his way into the Russian "sphere of influence." But he still didn't expect to win. He just hoped it would balance the ledgers a little bit, so he could save a little face and sow dissent in a divided America, driving the audience for his new TV venture, no doubt aimed at the flock of morons now swirling around his head.

    Then it worked a little too well, and he won, and he was like, Oh shit, I didn't actually want to be president. Fuck me.

    See? Both.
    BadgerBeer likes this.
  9. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Haven't read it.

    It's also possible that both are true. The President is not mentally well and will not always be able to have a coherent motivation that stretches from one day to the next. But if I have to choose one or the other, the evidence is far weightier for the second one.
  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I agree that our political system is filled with people who are full of shit.

    But this is exactly what the Bullshit-artist-in-chief is hoping for. ... Everyone gets painted with a broad brush that way, and the biggest charlatan of them all skates on some of his BS because of the equivalency. He lies, distorts. ... and counts on people forgetting his last BS because he thinks he can obfuscate the truth.

    Let's be clear. We we have a charlatan and an absolute moron occupying the highest office in the land. He's not even particularly artful at trying to bullshit people. ... that memo (which he was behind, with that Nunes idiot abdicating his responsibility of independence -- the legislature is supposed to be a check on the executive -- to play the role of lackey) was one weakass smokescreen. He spends months tying to build a false case, orchestrates that stupid memo, and runs right to twitter with the "vindicated" cry.

    I have no idea if Trump colluded with Russia. I think he is VERY capable of having colluded with them, but at the same time, I think him and the clownshow he surrounded himself with may not have been sophisticated enough to actually pull off collusion. I also think Putin is smart enough to not have trusted Trump enough to collude with him. Which leaves several possibilities that I find likely: 1) Russia was fucking around, trying to plant fake news stories on social media, in news outlets, and hacking people's e-mails and feeding them to Julian Assange to release, etc. ... and it is clear that Putin was working for Trump and against Hillary Clinton. Then the question becomes why? So. ... 2) Did / does Putin believe he has shit he thinks can blackmail Trump with (as has been suggested)? I find 1 to be almost a certainty, and 2 to be a very distinct possibility.

    After Trump was elected, I posted something somewhere on this thread calling him a bullshit artist and suggesting that his presidency might go down in an ethics scandal of some sort because Trump wouldn't be able to help himself. And that is what is happening with the Russia investigation. There are several facets here: 1) Trump (or his people) very well may not have colluded with the Russians (even as the Russians were putting out feelers to people he was surrounded with and his idiot son). But the idiot has felt that any suggestion of the Russians doing anything delegitimized his win. ... and just like with Nixon, the coverup is always what gets people this dumb. So Trump has done every hamhanded, moronic, dishonest thing. -- and that includes what should be obvious obstruction of justice for anyone not blinded by politics -- he can to try to stop an investigation from going on. And the more he does, the bigger he digs a hole. ... firing Comey, demanding personal oaths of loyalty, creating all kinds of smokescreens (including this memo), throwing the justice department under his bus, etc. And that should really piss people off. This is the president of the United States! 2) Aside from that, when you put someone as good as Robert Mueller on a trail. ... with a sleezeball as big as Donald Trump and the people he surrounded himself with, he is going to find a lot of rot. So he's all over obstruction of justice (which is a legit charge!). But on top of it, any of those idiots who the Russians reached out to and who even entertained it a little (even if it didn't really go anywhere) is guilty of Logan Act type stuff. And beyond that. ... When you are talking about Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn (who remember, Trump insisted on bringing along for the ride against everyone's counsel), you are going to dig up all kinds of illegal behavior. And then there is Trump. If they dig into his finances and business practices at all, we all know they are going to find stuff that will make white collar criminals scattered throughout the Federal penitentiary system look like angels. And worse. ... they are probably going to find shady financing by Russian Oligarchs, Sperbank, etc. (and probably orchestrated by Putin to try to make Trump into a latent asset), which will then get muddled back into the broad "Russia!" generalities that will then become politicized all over again to try to make a case that Russia stole an election and gave it to Trump. When in reality, it's much more complicated than that. ... and compounded by the fact that we have the biggest, unfit clown and idiot ever in the oval office, and he has a lifetime of unethical behavior and outright lies (some of which involves Russia) which makes him a much bigger embarrassment to America than even the broad "Russia" generalities suggest.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    @Deskgrunt50 just told me he hasn't seen any evidence. What evidence do you have?
  12. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    I'll go you one better. I think a great majority of candidates/politicians are VERY capable of doing such a thing. IF they see a possible benefit from it. There is no great divide between "moral" Congress and the "immoral" president. There is hardly a divide at all.

    He was working to cause discord. The overwhelming favorite winning overwhelmingly does not cause discord. He wanted the election in dispute REGARDLESS of the people involved. I can guarantee you he hates Joe Biden (for his involvement in Ukraine) every bit as much as he hates Hillary Clinton. Hell, I'd re-elect Trump before I'd vote for Biden.
    YankeeFan likes this.
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