“He’s covering me like an athlete who just signed a four-year extension,” an astonished Le Batard said, burying his tomato-red face in his hands. “He wants his clicks. He will sacrifice anything to get his clicks, including what used to be our friendship.” No Dan, you egotisal microdick. He’s covering you like a low rent J. Howard Marshall. They’re laughing at you, not congratulating you.
I guess I don’t. I have given it multiple tries. He’s playing multidimensional chess and I’m playing Chinese checkers.
Yeah, I really enjoyed it for a while but haven't listened in at least a year. I like Dan but the show is endlessly self-referential and that wears very thin after a few months.
Then why I have been here for almost 16 years? On second thought, don't answer that. There is no answer that won't hurt me.
Dan is the eighth most interesting person on that show. He knows it and has cultivated a troupe that allows him to coast. That’s the dream really. Thst said, the show is on its way back down from its heights a couple years ago.
There's interesting people on that show? Probably watched it less than 10 times, and must have missed its heights. Times I've watched Papi sounds like a babbling, incoherent old man and stugots sounds like a dope.