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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    This is fascinating. In one breath, Rubio says kids must go back to school. Yet he won't commit to attending his own klan's meeting indoors in his own state.
    Headed to the Convention? Not I, More Republicans Are Saying

    “Everybody just assumes no one is going,” said Representative Darin LaHood of Illinois, an honorary state co-chairman for the Trump campaign.

    LaHood may be the perfect name for a Trumpist.
    lakefront and maumann like this.
  2. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    Agree with everything but the second graf ... and my disagreement is in no way, shape or form a shot at ISC. I consider myself a loner, but there are times when the greater good MUST be considered. A pandemic, wearing masks, showing extra consideration for others is, without question, one of those times.

    It's not much different that the employer who claims to love those who work autonomously, yet wants collaboration, too. People good at one but not the other must be able to adapt to some extent. We can be individuals, yet need to know when we are working as one. Working with family when one is sick for an extended time or going down clinically. A writer not accustomed to being edited is suddenly being edited and asked questions. The writer needs to learn that editors working for the greater good ask those questions for a reason. Similarly, editors who need to know when they're helping by asking the questions and when they're just unnecessarily cluttering the big machine (writers, editors, web designer, print designers, those who work on the web page and in the production room and the presses).

    People need to be able to shift during times like these. It's really that simple.

    Problem is, for the mask rebels, how many of them absolutely refuse to understand that while that mask protects them, it does MORE to protect those around them and further minimizes the chances of spreading a virus with no proven treatments and no vaccine.

    To not understand the science is not the problem. To refuse to go along with those who do understand is.

    At the risk of sounding - though not trying to be - political, this is about Trump and Fox News. They have turned this political. Worse, they have shown their rear ends figuratively while literally exposing their faces and respiratory systems. They'll claim it's about freedom, but similar to work done by the military, freedom is not free. Their behavior and general stance is irresponsible, ignorant and there is no telling how many people are dead as a result.
  3. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    Should such investigations happen? Perhaps. At the very least, a full and frank accounting of where our pandemic response has fallen short and what previously unknown gaps in the system emerged would help us be better prepared for the next pandemic. It's a matter of when, not if, as we keep being told.

    Will such investigations happen? Not a chance in hell. If the presidency changes hands this election -- and I'm still not convinced it will -- January 2021 will be January 2009 all over again. We'll be awash in invocations of Hanlon's Razor, and anyone calling for prosecution of those whose actions (or inaction) contributed to the deaths of however many thousands of Americans will be denounced as partisan hacks engaging in political witch hunts at a time when we need to heal as a nation, come together, and focus on the important business of restarting the economy. These denouncements will be reliably bipartisan, too.

    Accountability is something for the little people. The ruling class has better things to do, like... I'm not entirely sure. Complaining about getting owned on Twitter, apparently.
  4. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    The thing about the heroic loner is that in a lot of the stories he sacrifices himself for others. He finds a community, is changed for the better and then joins them or dies protecting them.
  5. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    % of tests coming back positive, 7-day average
    States with Democratic governors: 5.32%
    States with Trumpist governors: 13.62%

    The US had a chance to get this thing under control. But loyalty to a despotic bigot in the White House was more important than everything else.
    OscarMadison and garrow like this.
  6. Dog8Cats

    Dog8Cats Well-Known Member

    I ain't The Big Ragu. But ...

    S&P and NASDAQ indices have come close to recovering from their cratering this year. Selling some equities now - gradually (think of dollar-cost averaging in reverse) - means that the possible losses would be less than if you had panic-sold during the market's California Screaming downhill ride in early to mid March.

    Assuming Biden wins, tax increases are acomin'. That's probably not going to be well-received by the market.

    Downside to that strategy is, of course, you aren't fully exposed the market keeps climbing.

    I'm also a believer that when the world gets crazy, gold is not a bad thing to own.
  7. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

  8. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

  10. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    The important caveat here is this board doesn't have more than an advisory role but this cuts the legs out from under the districts who want to order masks. These guys need to be taken out and publicly flogged but it's Orange County. They'll be hailed as heroes.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  11. Mngwa

    Mngwa Well-Known Member

    Not sure about this. A white guy gets more latitude than the black guy did.
  12. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    There is nothing to "sink in."

    It was a tribute section to everyone who has died THIS YEAR (and not just COVID deaths).
    Songbird likes this.
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