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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. TowelWaver

    TowelWaver Well-Known Member

    Hard agree. This is cause for immediate impeachment and/or 25A.
  2. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    Hawley, Cruz and Blackburn all need to be expelled. They have shattered their oaths.
    OscarMadison, Mngwa, Gutter and 3 others like this.
  3. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

    what, and comprise their assuredly sincere and deeply held beliefs?
  4. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Whatever happened to shame? Honestly. It needs to make a comeback.
  5. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I don't know DC neighborhoods other than Georgetown, but there has to be one similar to Compton. Tell these fools that Pelosi and AOC are secretly meeting there to name Harris POTUS.
  6. Splendid Splinter

    Splendid Splinter Well-Known Member

    Black protesters - should be imprisoned for 10 years.

    White protesters - "Great Patriots"
  7. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Much of the city is gentrified. Even Anacostia ain’t Anacostia anymore.

    But send them up Rhode Island Avenue and they might not like what they get. I’d argue it’s not even that bad up there anymore. Country bumpkins never do well in urban areas where they’re not the only ones packing.
    Hermes likes this.
  8. maumann

    maumann Well-Known Member

    The Capitol Police deserve all the scorn they should get for not being prepared for what was obvious to 330 million other Americans. Had it been anyone other than angry, privileged white men, there would have been blood spilled all over the Capitol steps. Whether that's an indictment or a blessing, I'm still conflicted.

    As someone said, martyrs only add to the lost cause.
  9. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    The silence coming from the Capitol is deafening. I wonder if there’s a tug of war going on with a lot of people trying to find a way to get this asshole out. Now.

    Of note: No Republican has shot down talk of a new impeachment trial.
    Wenders and TowelWaver like this.
  10. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I did have a very uncomfortable experience once when I accidentally got off the Metro in Dupont Circle, but I don't want to talk about it.
  11. rtse11

    rtse11 Well-Known Member

    Trump campaigned on MAGA but in truth he hates America. He's like the captain in "Mr. Roberts" who goes on a screed about having to clean up after "rich college boys" all of his life and now "I don't have to take it any more!" His sole intent to win the Presidency was to avenge every perceived slight and disrespect from the "rich college boys" in Congress who doubted his legitimacy. And he pulled along every other poor white boy who blame everyone else for not gettin' theirs despite being too lazy, too stupid or too busy fucking up their youth to be successful despite having every built-in societal advantage.
  12. maumann

    maumann Well-Known Member

    Gwen said she believes Trump's Twitter tape wasn't even from today. He probably had a generic response ready knowing his "guys" would eventually storm the castle. I'm guessing he was safely in the basement all afternoon, surrounded by Secret Service.
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