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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    We are in the early hours of a civil cold war; one of the first objectives of battle in any conflict is the cutting of the enemy’s lines of communication.
    I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if we find out the tech companies’ actions came after encouragement from the Biden administration.
  2. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    Being a Trumpist means being a scumbag.
    Jesus_Muscatel likes this.
  3. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    OMG is there no bottom for these people?
    OscarMadison likes this.
  4. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Kind of funny that in the end Pelosi won.

    She's every bit the badass RBG was.

    Screenshot_20210110-063445_Samsung Internet.jpg
  5. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    This. Every word.
  6. cyclingwriter2

    cyclingwriter2 Well-Known Member

    i agree with what you are saying about seeing the evil in the open, but the Reddits/8chans of the world are where the sausage is being made. Parler, Facebook, twitter, and the like are where Trumpists go to buy the sausage. The vast majority of Trumpists don’t have the mental curiosity or capacity to go there. The allure of social media was always about sharing the message to the masses.
    2muchcoffeeman and Stoney like this.
  7. Jerry-atric

    Jerry-atric Well-Known Member

    This message board is actually somewhat anti-“Drumpf.”
  8. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I've always loved the looks on the faces of everyone around the table. It ranges from glee to "don't make eye contact."
  9. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I don't get the idea of tying impeachment to Biden's first weeks in office.
    1. If it happens, it will be before he is POTUS. You can't impeach Trump after he is gone, but these are also the same people who talk about "post birth abortion."
    2. The GOP won't be in charge, so piss off.
  10. Noholesin1

    Noholesin1 Active Member

    Trump, Jerry Jones, Phil Mickelson: They all want to be recognized as the smartest person in the room. But not one of them is.
  11. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    Why block out the names??
    HanSenSE and swingline like this.
  12. Machine Head

    Machine Head Well-Known Member

    this isn't over

    the cos playing freaks will fade away with the demise of parler, etc.

    but others won't the threat they pose is real


    2muchcoffeeman and Jerry-atric like this.
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