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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Ugh. Not sure how many times we have to say this. The vaccine will not necessarily prevent infection. It will prevent you from getting any sort of serious complications from an infection. The reason these are being exposed as "breakthroughs" is because there is rigorous testing in professional sports. You and I may very well be infected but will feel nothing nor shed nothing toward others, but we won't know because we aren't being tested every day.
  2. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Meanwhile, from the left coast, the Giants have achieved 85 percent immunity. Gabe Kapler is managing the Giants without a mask for the first time tonight.
  3. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    How fucking hard is it for you guys to put him on ignore? I did. It's easy.
  4. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    It's amazing how people fail to understand this.

    The vaccine doesn't make you immune, bulletproof or immortal. It means that you're much, much less likely to die as a result of possibly contracting COVID and likely won't suffer from symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization. What too many of the idiots who have been politicizing this virus either fail to realize and/or refuse to listen to those who know a lot more about the science than any of us won't acknowledge is that masks and getting vaccinated also greatly reduce the chances of those who are around you – some of them actually loved ones, family and friends – from contracting the virus.

    Imagine that. The fact that this country used to be all about the greater good has turned to too many for themselves ... turned up to about 13. How many of those sorts realize that 598,000 in this country and 3.35 million on this planet – and counting – have died from this virus? Are they suffering from cranial-rectal fusion from listening to only the SPC, Alex Jones or a propaganda channel all about politicizing this worldwide health crisis? Or are they truly that stupid or drowning in denial?

    Yeah, it's obvious to many of us. But for those busy b_tching about "taking away your freedom, forcing us to wear those awful masks and those #$%$ liberals" have ignored and/or are too ignorant to realize, this is actually news. Sad!
    SFIND and HanSenSE like this.
  5. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    Hundreds of Epidemiologists Expected Mask-Wearing in Public for at Least a Year

    I’m assuming they’re trying to incentivize vaccination and depoliticize the situation by lifting the mask recommendation for vaccinated people indoors.

    I don’t know if it will work, but I have to assume this abrupt change on masks is an attempt.

    This also might be Biden making the executive decision to go ahead. It was going to become necessary for a non-scientist to eventually push the timeline, but I hope it’s not too early for large indoor gatherings.

    I guess we’ll find out.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  6. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member

    Can anyone show a story that has information with the percentage of new cases being vaccinated people.

    For instance, if my state has 1,000 new cases today, how many were unvaccinated? 100? 10? 1? 0?
    OscarMadison likes this.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    A rough way to look at it. At the end of April, the CDC was reporting 9245 breakthrough infections so far. ... out of 95 million people vaccinated. Based on those numbers, it's a miniscule percentage.

    There are undoubtedly way more people who were vaccinated who had Covid than that and just didn't know they had it, though.

    A major benefit of the vaccines aren't just that they reduce your risk of Covid altogether. ... but for people who will still get it, it seems to reduce the seriousness of the disease. Far fewer hospitalizations, more asymptomatic cases (people who aren't going to show up in the number you want), etc.

    Plus, the preliminary evidence is that even if you do get Covid, your liklihood of spreading it is lowered, which suggests that the vaccine makes it so that the viral load people take on is reduced.

    It's a lot like the flu vaccine, in that regard.
  8. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    No question it is. But people aren't putting the masks back on after this.

    Thursday afternoon, for whatever reason - hopefully good journalists find out - the matrix of university professors, health department officials and nonprofit health advocates got backbenched. The randomness and suddenness of it was Trumpian, and there isn't any way he could have gotten away with it - we'd be reading "Donald Trump just killed another 100,000 people" headlines in The Atlantic today. Biden's team can get away with it, though, and even if there is backlash from a community of folks with broad authority in the last year, it's been done.
  9. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    The difference is 43 percent of the population is fully vaccinated.

    You’re desperate to play gotcha.

    This isn’t Trump questioning masks a year ago or promoting a drug that doesn’t work. It’s a questionable timeline but nowhere in the same stratosphere.

    There isn’t going to be surge because of this. If there is, it will be because Trumpists didn’t get vaccinated.
  10. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    When was that? When people were complaining about gas rationing in the 1940s, and cheating whenever they could? When we were industrializing and belching more pollution into the air than any other country?

    Why the US bears the most responsibility for climate change, in one chart

    "The greater good" is what Soviet schools taught and is a culture in other countries (Japan, etc.). It's the opposite of what America has been about.
  11. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    1) Masks aren't some binary "yes"-"no" decision where if X happens you don't need a mask, if it doesn't happen you do. These are judgment calls being made by people, based on what they can surmise about people's risk. Masks do a good job of preventing spread of the virus. Even when people are vaccinated, this virus is still a risk. The question with regard to masks is. ... does the vaccination reduce that risk of spread to a large enough degree where it outweighs the inconvenience of masking? And again, that is a judgment call.

    2) That Alma nonsense about "Biden can get away with it," is stupid. The CDC might be politicized, but this notion that when someone with some expertise suggests something based on current information that they got "backbenched" when they change based on new information is stupid. Over the past few weeks, people have been evaluating the effectiveness of the vaccines in real-world circumstances. So someone who was suggesting that we may be masked for a long time 4 weeks ago now changing based on what they have learned isn't a case of "randomness." It's a case of using evidence and reason to make recommendations. We are STILL learning. First we needed to get a lot of people vaccinated. Then we needed to see what the effects were. And over the last few weeks, there has been a lot coming out of Israel and at looks of early healthcare workers who were vaccinated here, suggesting that the vaccines are really effective. Maybe the timing of the "lose the mask" recommendation was somewhat politicized, in that they realize that Americans are like impetuous children, so they pulled the trigger quicker than some of the people making those judgment calls might have.

    But again, at the end of the day these are JUDGMENT calls. How each of us behaves individually, should be a matter of our own comfort level.
    Alma likes this.
  12. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    I think the CDC can be pushed by the bully pulpit of the Presidency. I think it was nudged here. And polling probably played a part of it.

    I don’t think it’s Trumpian. I don’t think it will be disastrous. But it also won’t accomplish what it’s attempting to do.

    This can’t be depoliticized. That possibility ended with Trump in March 2020.
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