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Favorite single scene in a movie

Almost any of the fights in any Rocky movie stop me in my tracks when I see them on TV. Even the street fight in Rocky V has some great, quotable lines in it.
But Rocky IV is the king of them all. The entire Drago fight is epic. But my favorite part is the speech Duke gives Rocky before the last round. Hell, any inspirational speech that Duke gives Rocky makes me want to run through a forkin' brick wall. Duke is the man.

This is my second most favorite scene. And if it doesn't make you want to run through the wall, nothing will.

It's hard to do scenes from movies in which every scene is a masterpiece.

And then we get to the actor who turned in what might be the greatest role ever.

Out of nowhere came Christoph Waltz. There'd never been anyone like him before and certainly no one since.

I kind of wish he was a 1-hit wonder in America, like a ballplayer who gets a hit in his only MLB plate appearance then never heard from again.

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It's not a great movie, but John Ritter as the Devil just cracks me up. He was a master of physical comedy, but this scene and the way he plays off Dudley Moore is so subtle and against the grain for both of them.

The end of that opening scene in "Basterds," when Landa lets the girl get away, reminds of the scene in "Star Wars" when the Imperial soldiers see the pod taking off with R2D2 and C3PO in it, and deciding not to zap it because there aren't any life forms on board.
I forgot to put this one in there before, but I think we've established we're all entitled to more than one scene post on this thread. The final duel in the castle between Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone in "Adventures of Robin Hood." The shadow shots as they duel on the staircase! "You've come to Nottingham once too often!"
A moving scene without question, but this one should, at worst, be on the short list as well.

Impressive. And as incredible a comedian as he was, there's no attempt to make anyone laugh. And it's kinda moving, too.

That is my favorite scene in the movie, followed closely by this one, which is both funny and moving.


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