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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    OscarMadison and dixiehack like this.
  2. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  4. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  5. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    "As you undoubtedly already know..."
    (If you're not a fucking moron)
  6. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    Normal. Trustworthy.

  7. X-Hack

    X-Hack Well-Known Member

    You can't possibly be that fucking obtuse. Or that unaware of the straight line that runs from slavery to "redemption" of the South to convict leasing, sharecropping and Jim Crow to segregation "academies," redlining, blockbusting, steering, "urban renewal" and job discrimination to broken-windows policing, stop-and-frisk, the "War on Drugs" and mass incarceration. But sure, post a glib idiotic meme with the dumbest, most historically ignorant and really irrelevant fucking analogy any asshole could possibly concoct.

    The only thing that bullshit is missing is Kermit sipping tea, the Goodfellas laughing, Sam Elliott in a saloon and Leo DeCaprio as the Great Gatsby raising his cocktail in a salute.

    Edit: This is really surprising because despite the intolerance others tend to have for your posts, you contribute a lot of worthwhile stuff. But come the F on.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
  8. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    While it is a hyperbolic meme, the point is that otherwise innocent and qualified applicants are being rejected, for an educational opportunity, a job or an apartment to make up for past atrocities. Those being rejected have nothing to do with the past atrocities and are being lumped on something because of skin color and ancestors. Did all Asians contribute to Slavery and Jim Crow? Did the children of immigrants who came to this country in The 1960’s forward contribute to unequal treatment under the law. Those that came in the early 20th century right before the depression, with nothing and also suffered deprivations, do their ancestors deserve punishment even though they could tributes nothing to the harm suffered by those receiving affirmative action now? Want to go after the innocent descendants of the guilty, find the English/German/Scotch/Irish of the pre civil war south who owned slaves and became the political
    Leaders of the Jim Crow South.
  9. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    GOP: Protesting outside SCOTUS homes is too much!

    Also GOP: Our people are gonna kill a bunch of folks if Trump is held accountable.
  10. X-Hack

    X-Hack Well-Known Member

    Thank you for clarifying. However you're assuming that these otherwise innocent and qualified applicants are really more innocent and more qualified than those admitted.

    It's just as easy to argue that these measures are ways of leveling out the playing field today out of consideration for the very current impact of much more recent, if not current atrocities and that, in context, one kid's 1380 SAT might actually mean more than another kid's 1500. Park factors, the Coors effect and run support and all that.

    Also, the children of immigrants who came earlier -- the Jews, Italians and Irish, for example -- may not have necessarily contributed to the harm suffered by those receiving affirmative action now, but they achieved "whiteness" during the postwar period and very much benefited from a system that systematically excluded Blacks (for example, they generally were able to take full advantage of GI Bill benefits that existed only on paper but not in practice for most returning Black veterans. They were able to buy homes in new "safe, clean" suburbs that became a source of intergenerational wealth while restrictive covenants and real estate practices prevented most Black veterans from doing the same).

    Sure, my own Jewish forebears were still being subjected to Ivy League quotas and excluded from "restricted" resorts and country clubs -- or excluded from certain law firms or even certain suburbs, like Grosse Pointe -- but that's a drop in the bucket by comparison. As for immigrants who came to this country since the 1960s, they faced challenges like any immigrant wave at any time, but they also came voluntarily with their family structures intact and free of the legacy of all that followed slavery which I described in my prior (heated and probably a little too aggressive) response to what you acknowledged is a completely disingenuous meme (and which might make a little more sense, but not much if a) it was Japanese Americans and not the Empire of Japan that staged Pearl Harbor and b) there was some sort of Japanese-American fifth column waging acts of sabotage and terror on behalf of Japan for the next 80 years).

    Besides, maybe the little white girl in the meme has a real estate agent mother who tells Black clients, "We have nothing to show on this side of town, but there's plenty of stuff on the other side of town" just before showing all the nice listings on this side of town to the nice white family with a minivan full of other future "innocent and qualified applicants." And maybe her dad is the real estate appraiser who walks through the home before the refi, sees family photos of the nice Black couple and their attractive kids, and appraises it 250k lower than the identical home down the street.
  11. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    In that case, it would certainly be just to circumscribe the little white girl's opportunities when she reaches adulthood.
  12. X-Hack

    X-Hack Well-Known Member

    That would require conceding that her opportunities upon achieving adulthood were ACTUALLY circumscribed in any meaningful way by virtue of the fact that she got rejected from her dream school and had to go to another good school instead.
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