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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Ragu doesn't post solutions, or proposed solutions. He doesn't have any.
  2. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    Then please give us one, because the promise of four more years of Donald Trump feels considerably closer this morning.
  3. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Jimmy Carter available?
  4. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Yes it should on both accounts.

    Who gives a fuck what he "means to say" because he had no idea what he was trying to say.

  5. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the Highlight Zone where your performance in a debate counts more than your record. Criminal or otherwise.
  6. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    One guy did. A sitting Congressman.

    Dean Phillips couldn't even get interviewed on MSNBC.


    Since declaring his candidacy on Oct. 27, Phillips says, he hasn’t been interviewed once on the favorite network of his fellow Democrats. Ditto big Sunday shows. He’s been on CNN a handful of times, but never given the town-hall treatment afforded fellow single-digit candidates like Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie, both of whom happen to have challenged Donald Trump rather than Biden.

    The only broadcast outlets that seem to want him, Phillips tells me, are the ones that deploy him as a way of tweaking the Democrats.

    “Right media has been more than invitational,” Phillips says. By contrast, “I don’t think there’s an MSNBC viewer that even knows that I’m a congressman, because what’s being portrayed is designed to prevent that education.”

    “There’s a story there that is literally being denied to the entire population, because they’re being deluded into believing that Joe Biden is just fine,” he says. “And I will tell you from our own research, in every market we’ve been, people don’t know how precarious Joe Biden’s reelection chances are. … And they’re not giving me any platform whatsoever” to say so.

    He ran. He wasn't given a chance. And he was right.

    And here we are today, with Biden incapable of a coherent debate (or a closing statement) and rampant speculation that the party will just have to pick somebody to put up at the convention. And Phillips, the guy who actually ran, did it the right way, won't be that somebody.

    This reflects horribly on the Democratic Party. The party of Clinton and Obama - true upstarts - twice put a thumb on the scale against Sanders, will now, almost certainly, make a pick.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Are you serious?

    I post over and over again what we SHOULD do.

    Stop treating our government like it exists for politicians to divide us into constituencies (byclass, race and everything else) that they need to buy off. It has created a Frankenstein government that has grown to an absurd 36 percent of our economy and growing (It was less than 2 percent when our country grew into a global powerhouse).

    In the "aggregate" conversation. ... the opportunity cost of that capital being sucked away from productive allocation to inefficient and wasteful allocation has been like an anchor. We are just beginning to realize it.

    At the micro level (what I was talking about). ... it's not just immoral and corrupt (lining the pockets of a few unfairly), it is leaving more and more people in the dust.

    The big thing is that. ... We would have never gotten to where we are without extreme debt monetization (that has gone berzerk over the last few decades) that nobody seems to understand or want to understan

    It's a cycle. Politicians make promises and have grown their control over our financial lives by taking over more and more things. A central bank monetizes all of the debt they take on to grow our government (now more than $6 trillion at the Federal level!). That means mispricing the cost of capital, which creates private behavior that makes the rich richer as long as they are distorting the cost of money. You don't need to be smart. You just NEED money. ... and companies with no earnings, but a story get blown up to valuations in the hundreds of billions (until something huge blows up and puts everyone on the brink).

    It creates a series of financial crises, and each time, rather than saying, "God we need to stop this." ... those politicians immediately step in and bailout failure on emergency rationales." At the same time, all of the debt monetization hasn't been limited to the asset bubbles (and euphoric behavior that creates the financial crises). With the actions of the central bank over the last 4 years, it sent consumer prices skyrocketing, so that more and more people can't afford essentials. ... all of the debt we are running up as required a central bank of appointed price-fixing czars to monetize that debt.

    That debt monetization has created what I posted. Extreme wealth disparity that has made the richer richer and left behind increasing number of people. It has created financial instability that has taken us from debt crisis to debt crisis, which then is met by propping it all up with bailouts (that cost us) and MORE debt monetization, which in turn has exacerbated the problems.

    The idea that I have don't "post solutions" is beyond absurd.

    How about a MARKET determining the cost of money (the most important price there is) rather than czars apponted by politicians because they need them to try to buy off voters by making our government bigger and bigger and swallowing up our "economy" and creating all of the problems I pointed out?

    Until we get to that point. ... the periodic debt crises are going to get bigger (each time they lose control over the monetization efforts), more people are going to be left behind (creating the polarization) and we are going to continue to reap what we have been sowing for decades now.
  8. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    Sorry - when we said "post a solution," we meant, "post a solution which has a chance of becoming reality." If you think the common people are angry now, just wait until you return us to the policies of the gilded age.

    I'm sorry to break the bad news, but no one is going to slash federal spending to nearly zero, return us to the gold standard, or abolish the Fed.
  9. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Post solutions!

    Me: OK.

    I meant OTHER solutions.
  10. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    I don’t think exhuming William McKinley’s corpse is the right answer.
  11. Readallover

    Readallover Active Member

    So who would the Democrats put up as their Presidential candidate if President Biden dropped out? Who has enough national name recognition? Perhaps Gov Whitmer? I doubt Kamala Harris would be their pick, nor Hillary Clinton.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Admittedly, I watched it at a debate watch party (won a bingo!) so it wasn't that clear - I thought Biden was Biden. But yeah, he's declined, and unless the post-debate polls show him up 5 on Trump he should drop his reelection bid. His challengers dropped out in 2020 to give Dems the best chance against Trump, he should think about it as well. His best line against Trump - "You're such a whiner!" But style matters. Either of the candidates would have been declared the loser in any other Presidential or vice-presidential debate I've ever seen. Trump didn't have a grasp of facts, and had bad body language and pretty much a one-note johnny on the immigration stuff.
    I really wish they asked the "age" question at the top of the broadcast. Let both of them play in the next "Duel" or whatever that stupid golf match is called in Vegas now - but we deserve and need better candidates for President.
    OscarMadison likes this.
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