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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    As much as Harris kicked his fat ass to the Liberty Bell and back, she and he moderators still missed on some fact checks/rebuttals:
    1. Muir never pressed Trump for an answer on why he killed the immigration bill. Trump went off on a tangent about hordes of brown people taking over cities and Muit never circled back.
    2. ABC/Harris didn't push back enough on Trump claiming immigrants had taken over Springfield and Aurora.
    3. Harris should have pointed out that she was supporting bail for protesters in Minneapolis who got swept up by cops, not actual rioters. Also, no one pushed back on Trump when he said no one had been arrested in Minneapolis and Seattle. Well, if no one got arrested in Minneapolis, why did anyone need to get bailed out?
    4. Will someone -- Harris, Walz, media -- please point out crime statistics that show all immigrants, undocumented or not, have a lower crime rate than the population as a whole.
    5. They also didn't push enough on Trump's claims of rampant crime in the U.S., which is down across the board.
    6. Also didn't see enough push-back on his claims that we're in a terrible economy. We're not.
    Oh well ... maybe she's saving something for the second debate.
  2. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Probably moaning with pleasure at the blow job Hannity is giving him.
  3. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    I was happy there was any pushback at all. Having to clarify that no state allows the execution of babies is the nadir of this campaign. (I hope.)
  4. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    She’s smart to press him on another debate. Keep up the pressure. Hell, do it on Fox with two of their non crazies. Just insist on no audience.

    His performance was worse than Biden’s. By a lot. He did the craziest part of his rallies and she goaded him into it.
    franticscribe, garrow and TowelWaver like this.
  5. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Had it on mute. Didn't watch the main event. Certainly wasn't going to watch the postgame with the sound on.

    It doesn't matter. It really doesn't.
  6. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Well, that's the Gish Gallop: so much bullshit they can't possibly respond to all or even most of it.
  7. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    I haven’t seen anyone comment on what I thought was her smartest move of the night.

    After Trump went through the whole “I don't care what she is” bit in response to previously saying she suddenly turned black, she didn’t go for the jugular. She called it out rightly as divisive, and then pivoted to say Americans want to move past this kind of division and go forward, without it dominating the national discussion.

    She basically stole a conservative talking point from him! And he was too dim to notice.

    At the margins, that may get her a few more wobbly voters who want off the Trump train but are scared to dip their toes into what they think are identity politics. And she gave them permission to put that off to the side and not have to worry about it.

    In some ways it may be a little bit of a rerun of the 2008 Obama credulity on race. But I think it will make some people feel better about going in for her. And once you’ve made a choice like that, your instinct is to look for reasons to support it. So a few of those voters may find themselves on a slow journey to a more tenable place when it comes to America’s changing demographics.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2024
  8. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

  10. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    With all due respect, the debates do matter.

    Kennedy won the 1960 election based on his appearance and performance in the debates, a dramatic contrast to Nixon. Ford lost the 1976 election by declaring Eastern Europe was free during a debate with Carter.

    Reagan was probably going to win re-election in 1984 but he absolutely cemented it by somehow managing to show he wasn't a doddering old man who'd lost his marbles in the debate against Mondale. Biden was essentially forced to drop out this year because of his debate performance, he couldn't pull it off like Reagan did.

    Trump got his ass kicked tonight. Harris wasn't perfect but she stood up to the bully and gave him a real taste of his own medicine while also presenting a view of the future. She controlled the narrative. He showed he was a clueless, mean, vindictive, out of touch ranting old man, living in a fantasy world by talking about people eating cats, how he tried to preserve the ACA, how the previous election was rigged, and other such "get off my lawn" nonsense.

    You are correct that tonight won't change anyone's mind if that person's mind is made up. But if you were somehow still an undecided voter, the choice after tonight was pretty clear.
  11. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    I want all the influencers to come up with fantastic memes with lunatic trump screaming "THEY'RE EATING THE PETS!" Do your job well. And don't forget dog-eating freak JFK Jr.
  12. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    You keep thinking that. With all the stupid things people pick their candidate on, this matters. Especially since she's from the state evrybody says is the deciding factor
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