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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    See, here is where you include the lead of the linked story, or a buried nut graf if it's a better fit, to put up a good news post on this site. ... Is it really that hard for you to figure out? It takes one extra minute, and that's how you sell your post anyway, durr durr durr ...

    Meta Platforms has donated $1 million to president-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural fund, the latest step by CEO Mark Zuckerberg to bolster his once-fraught relationship with the incoming president.

    The donation, confirmed by the company, is a departure from past practice by Zuckerberg and his company, and comes after an election campaign in which Trump threatened to punish the tech tycoon if he tried to influence the election against him.


  2. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    The resignation of Christpher Wray makes today a sad day for any possibility of upholding the rule of law, and gives Trump another pass to turn the FBI into his personal weapon against its own country.

    A Scandalous Resignation

    The problem that keeps arising is that there is no way to remain in Trump’s favor while following the law. In a celebratory statement posted to Truth Social, Trump claims, “Under the leadership of Christopher Wray, the FBI illegally raided my home, without cause.” Had the FBI raid actually been illegal, he could have proved that in court. He didn’t, because by taking massive troves of classified documents when he left office, keeping them in a wildly unsecured location, refusing multiple requests to return them, lying repeatedly about it, and engaging in a clumsy cover-up, Trump had given the bureau no other choice. For Wray to allow this brazen defiance of the law would have been to simply admit that the law doesn’t apply to Trump, in or out of office.

    The sucking-up of this administration is going to be sickening, and costly to this country.
  3. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    On the White House front, let us never forget
    the poignant words of our once and future First Lady ...

    BitterYoungMatador2 likes this.
  4. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Good job, thanks. ... And easy-peasy, right?

    Excerpt from link
    Opinion again (optional)

    That's how you sell a good post around here!
  5. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    I appreciate your efforts and will make such attempts when I think it might really matter. But otherwise, I'd rather give a little of my thoughts instead of the same, exact thing that's, you know, in the story. That is an option. (And I pretty much said what was in the story in the line I put, anyway).

    You know, others here don't always post things exactly the way I'd prefer, either. Or, they state (usually breaking) news with no links at all, even. But I manage not to make a board-wide issue/insult out of it. I'd appreciate the same "courtesy."

    If people are on this important, informative thread -- put together by a bunch of people who can generally be considered pretty intelligent and trying to stay informed -- and they can't be bothered to actually click and read something, well, then they can't be all that interested.
  6. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    We aren't obligated to read your links, though you seem to demand that.
    Did you really work in a newsroom?

    Push your story link. Sell your message.
    How fucking hard is that to comprehend?
    Fred siegle and sgreenwell like this.
  7. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    His love for her was like a truck -- Beserker.

  8. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    That's beautiful, man ...
    franticscribe likes this.
  9. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Mitch McConnell could, rightly, be blamed for it even being possible for Donald Trump to have run for President again. But, clearly, he is now concerned about Trump's isolationist tendencies, and what it is likely to do to the country.


    “We’re in a very, very dangerous world right now, reminiscent of before World War Two,” McConnell told Rogers, adding, “Even the slogan is the same. ‘America First.’ That was what they said in the ’30s.”

    It'd be really nice if we didn't have to worry about crap like this from our President.
    Fred siegle likes this.
  10. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Says somebody who almost never posts links (wonder why?) -- only occasional memes, and, of course, much more frequently, insulting comments about others.

    I comprehend what you're saying just fine. You just don't like what I'm saying. But I don't "demand" anything. If you don't want to read something, I really don't care, although it would be nice if you did. Heck, it would nice if our whole country would read more. The lack of it is probably one of our biggest problems. It is not one I share, though. As I've said before, I've looked at, and probably read, virtually everything on this thread, because I'm interested.

    But this isn't a newspaper and you certainly aren't my editor. I don't need to "sell" anything, although I understand the concept as you're pushing it.

    And yes, I worked in a newsroom. A good one.

    So, would you just stop, already?
  11. jojoblack

    jojoblack Active Member

    Mitch McConnell can kiss my entire ass. He never checked Trump when it counted and deserves to be lumped in the historic pile of spineless so-called institutionalists.
  12. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

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