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Prep reporters, chime in please

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Norman Stansfield, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. Stupid

    Stupid Member

    I do it all, baby. I even have time to ogle hotties in the crowd.
  2. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    re press boxes: Around here, I find that it pretty much corelates to the level of HS football.

    We have four divisions in our main conference, which range roughly from big-time ball in the top one to small-school ball in the bottom. Eight of the 10 teams in the big-school conference now play on artificial turf, and those schools, without exception, have roomy, modern press boxes.

    The lower you go, the more you see the plywood boxes with the hinged windows.
  3. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to lie to you and say neither one suffers. They both do. I'm not shooting by choice, but I want to produce a page that's pleasing to the eye, so I have to take the camera. I can't stand photography. There's a nack to pressing that button at the right time, and I'll be damned if I've ever developed it.
  4. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Last night was a press box night for me, because the box was higher than the back row, thus no line of sight was cut off. Plus, there was a hill next to the stands where I could easily scramble down to the field after the final gun. I had to get some work done during the game, so press box was the better choice on this occasion.


    Note: If you're struggling to find a place to send (I was kind of in BFE last night), look for a Hampton Inn. They kindly gave me the code to their complimentary wireless and let me file from the lobby. I know other hotels offer free wireless too, so those are good places to check.
  5. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    I love hanging out on the sidelines. The chain gangs and refs around here have become great accomplices over the years, you never go wrong with stats if you're next to the guy with the dial-a-down pole.

    Add in all the color you can get from both sidelines for follow-up notes, and watching the coaches get out the white-board in the middle of a game, I woulnd't trade it for anything.
  6. BB Bobcat

    BB Bobcat Active Member

    I'll chime in and agree with the folks who say there is no right answer, because every situation is different. At some fields you can't see the yard lines from the press box. Some places you can only see them from the press box. Some places the sideline is too crowded. Some places the press box is too crowded.

    When I was covering preps, I did it mostly from the field. I actually think not being able to write during the game, but having to really jam as fast as I could at halftime and after the final gun, made me a much faster writer today.
  7. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    if it's on the radio, cover it from the comfort of your own home. you also should be able to lift some quotes from the postgame interview with the coach as well. if there is no postgame, just make shit up.
  8. 805atHeart

    805atHeart Member

    I'll chime in only because I just started my first preps gig and had to decide whether or not to stalk sidelines or sit pressbox.

    I went with sidelines, mostly because I'm tall so it's easy to get stats from wherever. I also found it easier to catch the coach before the competition from the sidelines, better quotes if rival paper dude is taking his/her sweet ass time coming down from the box. Also quicker to get in and out when on tight deadline. It's also fun to bullshit with the refs/chain gang/photogs/players not dressed kids. Besides, I've had two cheerleaders (I'm barely 22, could probably pass as an older high school lad when unshaven) give me their digits so far during halftime ... now, if only I had the same luck at the bars, damnit.
  9. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Did you seriously just fucking write this? Cripes.
  10. Bamadog

    Bamadog Well-Known Member

    I've got three words for you: age of consent. I've got two more for you: statutory rape.
    I'm glad you're not working for me, because you would be, in the words of Donald Trump:

  11. CradleRobber

    CradleRobber Active Member

    A lot of them are 18, or soon-to-be. However, I can think of fewer things more unprofessional than hitting on high school girls while you're covering a sporting event.

    And that's coming from CradleRobber.
  12. 805atHeart

    805atHeart Member

    Jesus, I suppose I should have added [/sarcasm font]. I'm young and dumb. Not that young and dumb.

    On another note: I also like the sidelines because during those 40-0 blowouts it helps me from spacing out for fear of getting run over by a 300 pound linebacker during garbage time.
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