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All Purpose NBA Thread I

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Angola!, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    I don't know about that. McGrady ALWAYS starts of slow in the season. But I have to say that Yao is playing awesome so far. I'm getting a chance to check them out when they come over here to play the Pistons this weekend. I'm expecting a 30+ and 10+ type of game.
  2. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Whenever I feel hungry, I just watch Eddy Curry try to defend the pick and roll. My appetite goes away immediately.
  3. hachat11

    hachat11 Member

    Actually I think Eddy Curry just steals your appetite. It looks like he's carrying a ham or something inside his jersey.

    As for McGrady, CT, even he said Yao is the best player on that team. McGrady's back is still giving him troubles and he's certainly lost a step from his best days. In a close spot, I'm going to Yao inside instead of watching McGrady chuck up a 22-footer.
  4. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Another problem with the drafting of high school kids, McGrady's 27 years old, has a bad back, slower than he used to be, he's an old man passed his prime. Garnett's an 11 year vet at 30. His best years are behind him. Just as his body and mind should be peaking, he's old, mentally and physically.
    I would have grabbed the money like every high school player that could sign a 3 year contract, but I'm not a player, I'm the customer, and it's painful at times to watch kids look like they're ready to go to Pumpernicks for the early bird special.
  5. fever_dog

    fever_dog Active Member

    man, ben wallace looks awful. no energy, no legs, nothing. is he already washed up? he can't guard anybody or rebound.
  6. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Renaldo Balkman called. He wanted me to ask the haters to STFU.
  7. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Marcus Williams also called. He says that the Knicks could have got him with the 20th pick and still picked Balkman with the 29th (if not the 59th) pick.
  8. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Today is a day to celebrate the greatness of Renaldo Balkman.

    I say no to logic.
  9. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Couldn't agree more with both points. Now let's just hope T - Mac and Van Gundy figure that out so that T - Mac doesn't keep taking 22 shots and shooting 42% when the Rockets could be giving extra shots to the better - shooting Yao. This ability to be the '2nd guy' vs 'THE guy' for T - Mac is going to have a huge effect on what the Rockets can do this season. If he plays it right, the Rockets could do some major damage this year. As you said, hatchat, Yao started doing this the second half of last year and we can see now it was no fluke; he's dominant now.
  10. hachat11

    hachat11 Member

    Yeah, I think Yao is going to have a great year, but that team just doesn't seem to fit right. There's no point guard and McGrady looks about 4 steps slower. He doesn't look good at all yet, but maybe he'll come around.
    But I don't know how much you can rely on Bonzi Wells and that team just doesn't seem like it meshes real well.
  11. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    I went to the Pistons/Rockets game on Saturday. Yao looked great. But so did T-Mac. He had some great moves when he took it to the basket(Detroit's interior defense is crap, but what the hey). He would've scored 35+ if he wasn't in foul trouble. But all in all, I was really impressed with Yao. He was yelling/calling for the ball all night and when he got the ball, he played aggresive as hell. But I think the one thing that people don't look at is his free throw shooting. This guy is 7'6 and he shoots like a 6'4 shooting guard. Just imagine if Shaq(in his prime) shot free throws like Yao.
  12. bsizzle_77

    bsizzle_77 New Member

    I mean come on his high release to go along with his 7-6 body makes it impossible for him not to get a open shot. He has good fundementals, I think Yaos key has been his confidence. Just the way he carries himself on the floor is the biggest change. He was really coming on before he got injured last year.
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