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2008 Running Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. KevinmH9

    KevinmH9 Active Member

    Montreal boos Michaels every time he comes there. Not that Micahels will be around much longer, but Michaels will always be booed in Montreal. They won't let it go. I haven't read Micahels autobiography, but Ric Flair bashed Bret Hart for his comments against both Michaels and Vince after the incident and then after Owen died in Kansas City.

    To the original question, though, one of the funniest things I saw was when I went to a TNA house show last summer and my friend with me was a huuuggee Rhyno fan and had a t-shirt on. We were right near where the wrestlers entered the arena and my buddy got the attention of Jeremy Borash and asked him to get Rhyno to get him an autograph. To my suprise, Borash left and I thought he was going to get Rhyno, but Borash came out with a pen ready to sign his OWN autograph, but my buddy looked at him and said, "No. I meant Rhyno." I felt bad for Borash...
  2. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    That's outstanding Kevin
  3. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Punk's world title win on Raw is the best/saddest thing for me. One, I was happy to see Punk get the gold, but sad that my friend James (Tripp McNeely) who was a HUGE CM Punk fan passed away four days before it happened. He had lamented WWE's treatment of Punk as he was a a big ROH fan, too. If only James could have seen Punk's win. When it happened, I marked out big time and, for me, it's my favorite moment of 2008 in terms of pro wrestling. Jericho's work with HBK and his continuing heel persona is a close second in terms of a WOW factor.
  4. My list of markout moments, in no particular order:

    -Seeing Flair's WCW belt on WWF Superstars for the first time.

    -Ric Flair winning the 1992 Rumble

    -Chris Benoit winning the world title at Mania 20

    -Foley coming back as Cactus Jack at a 1997 Raw and beating the dogpiss out of Triple H in a falls count anywhere match

    -Meeting Jim Cornette

    -Meeting Bryan Danielson

    -Meeting Terry Funk, and setting it up for my dad to do the same

    -Putting Bobby Eaton in a headlock

    -Drinking beer with Dustin Rhodes

    Those are all the ones that immediately spring to mind.
  5. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    Seconded on the debut of Big Goldie on WWF Superstars.

    Biggest moment was Nikita Koloff's face turn after Magnum TA's accident. He followed Dusty Rhodes to the ring for a cage match against two of the Four Horsemen, and everyone assumed Koloff was stalking him to put the beatdown on him, because Dusty hadn't looked back yet. He hits the ring, Nikita stays behind. Horsemen start double-teaming hom. Koloff enters the ring ... then beats the unholy shit out of the Horsemen. Crowd goes apeshit. Nobody saw it coming. And the explanation afterwards -- that Koloff was teaming with Dusty out of respect for TA, with whom he had just finished that awesome feud -- made perfect sense. That's how you play on real life in an angle.

    Undertaker turning on Jake Roberts was pretty awesome.

    Shawn Michaels superkicking Shelton Benjamin to hell as he was bouncing off the top ropes was probably the spot I marked out for the most. Either that, or the time the Eliminators taped someone (either New Jack or one of the Pitbulls) between two tables, then hit Total Elimination (spinning heel kick/sweep kick double-team combo) on him.
  6. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    Total Elimination is still a damn sweet finisher. I'm surprised one of the younger squads hasn't stolent it yet.
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Some for my markout list:

    Seeing Sabu dive off the top rope through a table for the first time in 1994. After watching the crap that had been WWF and WCW, I thought to myself, 'Now this is something to watch!'

    Ultimate Warrior beating Hulk Hogan: I was so tired of Hogan, and I was glad to see him lose. Plus, babyface vs. babyface matches were very rare.

    Scott Hall invading Monday Nitro

    Eric Bischoff disguised as an old preacher during Billy and Chuck's wedding.

    Foley/Taker in Hell in a Cell. 'Nuff said.

    The first match between Benoit and Triple H after the Radicalz invaded WWF. It was almost like the real Invasion.

    Vince McMahon appearing on both Raw and Nitro simultaneously.

    The Rock's entrance during the Owen Hart tribute show. It was the loudest entrance pop I've ever heard.
  8. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Shawn's superkick of Shelton.

  9. SlickWillie71

    SlickWillie71 Member

    Just a few...

    Hogan joining the nWo. Still my most memorable "Wow" moment.
    JYD losing a Loser Leaves Town match to Ted DiBiase (then returning as Stagger Lee).
    Paul Bosch selling his wrestling organization to Vince McMahon.....just a jarring moment since Houston wrestling in the early to mid 1980s was the shit.
    The phone call from a friend to tell me Owen Hart died.
    Stephanie McMahon's boob job.
    Lillian Garcia signing the national anthem at Toyota Center two days after 9/11.
    Eric Bischoff on Raw for the first time.
  10. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The Foley-Taker Hell in a Cell match was one of mine. Somehow, somewhere, someone pressed a button that allowed us to get that pay-per-view for free and I was watching it live. I happened to turn it on right before that match, and I hadn't even watched WWF in a while. Seeing Foley plummet off the cage, I think my exact words were "Holy Shit!"
    Then, seeing him get back up and return for another 10 minutes of mayhem (including ANOTHER fall from the top of the cage and a fall onto the thumbtacks), I didn't know what to make of it. I thought it was a work until I read his book years later and realized how badly hurt he really was.

    Another one, a small one, was Jericho's win over Batista in the cage match a few weeks ago. I thought for sure Batista was going to win to set up his feud with a returning Cena, and had resigned myself to that fact. Seeing Jericho fall to the floor for the win made my jaw drop.
  11. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    I was there for that one.

    Epic holy-shit moment. People were going crazy.
  12. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Some of my favorite moments:

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