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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    DiBiase and Rhodes wouldn't surprise me, if only because they're both getting the mega-push.
  2. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    And 3 of the 4 guys used to work for TNA.
  3. Ilmago

    Ilmago Guest

    I have a feeling Randy Orton will win the Money in the Bank for the Raw side, I would love DiBiase to win it, but I doubt the WWE are ready to push him to the next level right now. But I must admit, it would help his current gimmick. Speaking of his gimmick, he and Maryse need to find chemistry, because right now they don't have any.

    Here are my other picks for tomorrow's PPV.

    Kelly Kelly
    Hart Dynasty
  4. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    I'm going Dolph and The Miz in MITB.
  5. JoJo

    JoJo Member

    I just know I would hate the Raw MitB to go to an already well-established guy like Orton, Edge or Jericho. I don't think they would, so I eliminated those from my thought process. Then, you eliminate the guys who are in it just to fill spots like Morrison and Henry. So then you're left with DiBiase, Miz and Bourne. I wouldn't have a problem with any of these three choices, but I'm rooting for the Miz.
  6. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Maryse and the Miz would've been such a better pairing if they kept that going.
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Here's how I would have done the Invasion:

    No McMahons, except for Vince. Instead of Shane standing in the WCW ring for the final show, have Vince stand in the ring and be like, "Ha-Ha, I own WCW". Then, either Bischoff, or Flair come to the ring and be like, "Nope, I own WCW. And if you thought we declared war on you before. Now we're going to take over your company." Followed by a beatdown of Vince.

    Following weeks, WCW midcard guys randomly show up and disrupt WWE shows. First they attack the faces. Then they attack the heels, led by Flair and or/Bischoff (Because they're the two most realistic guys that you can think of that could actually have bought WCW). WWE guys unite.

    Then you bring out the heavy artillery. DDP comes out and Diamondcuts Undertaker. Kane comes out to help his brother. The WWE begins to win the war, but then the NWO comes out to swing it over to WCW.

    In the middle of all this Heyman walks away from the booth and the next week, he brings out the ECW guys to demolish everyone with hardcore tactics. Heyman then give an emotional promo, as only he can do, blaming both Vince and Bischoff for ruining his company, and he appeals to RVD, the Dudleys and any other previous ECW guys to help him. Foley comes out of retirement as well.

    So now you have a three-way war. Finally, just when it seems even. Goldberg shows up and spears the hell out of Rock. Next week, he shows up and spears RVD. Then he spears Hogan. Then he makes a promo saying that he's loyal to no one, and he will sit back and wait until he decides who is worthy of him to join. After a few weeks of hype, he joins WWE, which turns the tide for good.
  8. Ilmago

    Ilmago Guest

    That's pretty interesting Baron, I like how you do your bookings. I like to make fantasy bookings myself, and I've just completed a Undertaker vs Sting booking, just curious to know what your thoughts are? Also how would you book it?

    It would of happened in the WWE. Luckily, Sting was really good at wrestling bigger men. I'm torn on when to do it though. My first thought is middle of 1991 in place of the Warrior feud with Jake Roberts as the puppet master. The drawback with that is the match won't be very good. My second idea is more fantasy as it deals with Sting and Taker from different years. Late 1996/Early 1997 Sting at the height of not talking and allegiance being unknown vs January 1999 Ministry Taker at the height of his evilness. So if you could figure out a time to make that happen, I would have Taker roll with the gimmick for 9 months to a year. He would just be running rough shot over the entire WWE. I'd even have him destroy Steve Austin. Meanwhile, maybe keep the Rock in a major feud that keeps him away from Taker so that at least one of your top guys isn't taken down a peg.

    So, Taker does more with the whole sacrifice gimmick. Any guy that is going to either quit or be fired from the WWE in the year since Taker started the gimmick, would be sacrificed to explain their disappearance. One thing that could be valuable is a late night weekly show, similar to Shotgun Saturday Night, only most people get the channel and some actually watches. We keep it somewhat tame on Raw just because of the children, but once the midnight Shotgun show comes on the air, you up the violence of the Undertaker. More blood and screams are heard. Basically, it's something right out of a horror movie. Then, a key part of the angle would be an innocent woman such as Lillian Garcia. I believe she came into the WWE around the summer of 1999. So maybe this whole thing is around April 2000 so the fans have enough time to get to know her and care. It would be vital that the woman (Lillian) would not be a wrestler. She'd need to be as helpless as possible. They'd run some kind of kidnap angle (The Stephanie one would not happen this time) and it'd keep being dragged out over a few weeks. On Raw, they'd be vague about what will happen. On Shotgun, Paul Bearer would talk about how the Lillian sacrifice will be the most intense one to date. This all leads to Judgment Day 2000 (I mainly picked this not only because it works for the date, but the name of the show) where the promised sacrifice will happen. They work some kind of angle where Bearer informs us that he bought so much time on the actual PPV and unlike on Raw, they will show in detail what happens to her. Build it for a few weeks so people willing to pay money to see what's going to happen. I'm hoping it'd create tons of questions such as whether it will actually be done or if it will just be a cop out. A quick reminder, Taker has already destroyed everyone who has tried to stop him in the past. So it's basically hopeless for her.

    On to the show, the arena has red lights to add to the mood as Lillian is strapped to Taker's symbol. Just as he's about to sacrifice her, those red lights go out so the arena is all black. In a scene right out of the final Clash of the Champions, we get one stage light shinning up to the rafters as we spot Sting for the first time. Sting would have zero hype videos. Maybe even have him go on wrestling interviews saying how he's retired once he wrestled his last WCW match. So the last thing anyone would have expected would be Sting. For an example of how it'd look:

    You have a similar voice over, but they talk about how in the war of the souls (Every sacrifice would be about taking souls), Sting is the one man without a soul. The voice over ends in something like, "The War has begun...and this is Sting." BOOM the spotlight goes out. Zero music can be heard during all this especially the blackness. When the lights finally come on, Lillian is gone and Paul Bearer is strapped to the symbol. A lot of shots of Taker and the Ministry shocked and looking all around. We finally look back up to where Sting was and all that's there is the baseball bat. That's the end of the PPV.

    For the next two months, you just build towards Summerslam with Sting taking out a member of the Ministry each week. For the first time since the Ministry Taker was created, Taker shows fear. During those two months, we don't see Sting take out anyone or do anything other than appear in the rafters during Taker's matches. For that Summerslam match, there's no need for a winner. The goal is to have Taker finally not capable of dominating. If I could book Taker for his entire WWE career, I would make sure he didn't do a blade job the entire time. That way when he does do one in the match, it's even more shocking. The feud would continue after that, however; they would not wrestle at every PPV. The second match would be delayed a few months just because of how insane the first one is. The commentators can speculate that Taker is afraid to wrestle Sting again. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the feud could last until Wrestlemania 17. It would be pretty ambitious goal to have a feud go non-stop for nearly a year, but with the two rarely coming to blows, hopefully the fans would care whenever a match would actually happen. At Wrestlemania, Sting goes over and conquers the Undertaker and thus ending Taker's evil control of the WWE. Both men would then be able to take time off of the WWE so people can really want to see them again.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    My idea for Sting/Undertaker is a lot simpler:

    Kane starts talking about how evil he is. Lights go out, then come back on. Sting is in the ring. Sting just stares at him, then turns and walks away. (Note: Normally, Sting would come down from the rafters, but being the WWE, with Owen Hart, well, you know).

    Next couple of weeks have Sting in the rafters, just watching Kane. He also comes to ring amid lights out and stares at different main eventers.

    After a couple of weeks Sting climbs into ring and stares at does Kane again after Kane squashes someone. Kane looks dumbfounded. Week after that, Sting comes out again when Kane is in a match, and beats up Kane's opponent while Kane is KOed by opponent's finisher and ref is KOed.

    Week after that, Kane calls out Sting. Sting comes out, Kane asks him why he helped him. Sting doesn't say a word, responds with a baseball bat, and utterly destroys Kane. I mean hammer him. Even if it's PG, Kane's got internal bleeding, etc. Kane taken off on stretcher.

    Next week, Taker comes out and complains about Sting. Camera pans to Sting up in the rafters. Taker calls down Sting. Sting walks away.

    Week after that, Taker has a match against a main eventer. Main eventer is about to beat Taker, when Sting comes out, bashes ME with bat. Taker wins match. Afterward, they do a staredown, then Sting takes bat and looks like he's going to hit Taker, but instead, he uses the bat to point to the Wrestlemania sign. Then he walks away.

    Next week, Taker comes out again to talk, Sting comes out, points bat at WM sign again. Taker responds with the throat slash and walks away.

    Week after that, Kane's still hurt, but recovered somewhat, and challenges Sting to match for revenge. Sting beats the heck out of Kane again, until Taker comes out and chases him away.

    Week after that: Wrestlemania.
  10. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Not bad, Baron. But if that angle took place in the post-WCW fallout in 2001 the promos between Kane and Sting might be like watching two mimes argue :D
  11. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    There really wouldn't be any promos. All that would happen is Kane come out and talk about how he wants to know what Sting is up to. Heck, he can even use the voice box.
  12. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    I support anything that involves the voice box. :D

    Also, kinda interesting the Invasion came up, because I watched most of SS 2001 before work (I'll watch the WWF/WCW title matches tonight). I think WCW needed more upper-mid/ME guys from the start...gradually bring them in, but by a major PPV you need the top guys (Steiner, Goldberg, Bagwell, etc. And book them so Sting actually wants to head north). And they needed to replace Shane with someone like Flair. There was no way in hell Bischoff was coming to the WWF at that time (it took about a year for Vince to bring him in, and rightfully so), and Flair wasn't really in wrestling shape at that point (lot of Russo-induced time off, IIRC). So you have Flair come in a few months earlier than he actually did as the "owner" of WCW and take it from there.
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