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2011 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by schiezainc, Jan 1, 2011.

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  1. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Why the blue font? Didn't you see that epic, classic championship match he had at the last TNA PPV?


    How could you miss it?

    Oh, you blinked.

    Point taken.

    BTW, here's an interesting article on OVW on the front page of Yahoo right now-> http://www.thepostgame.com/features/201103/just-outside-louisville-home-base-heroes-and-heels
  2. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    Was watching Silent Library on MTV the other day and they had a WWE Superstars charity show.

    Dolph Ziggler, Chris Masters, JTG, one half of the Dudebusters and two other guys I didn't recognize were on there.

  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Good story on Rogers, although it's too bad it didn't also feature the Mick Foley story of Rogers reaching into a toliet full of diarrhea to retrieve Barry Windham's keys.

    Also, the match is a hoot to see Ravishing Rick Rude, before he was ravishing, and the precursor to the Rude Awakening. No "Cut the music", though. There was no music to cut.
  5. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I watched that, too. Knew JTG, Masters and Dolph, but had no frigging clue who the other guys were.
  6. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    So, I've decided that I'm gonna purchase the 'Mania PPV tomorrow. I'm not sure the last WWF/E PPV or WrestleMania I ordered. I think I ordered WM XIV. Funny enough, my first ever PPV to watch live was WM IX. My dad was the principal of a boarding school and he ordered it and set up a big projector in the HS gym and charged the kids 50 cents a piece to offset the costs (it was a really small school).

    I can't remember the last PPV I ordered in general. As a kid, I always preferred ordering Royal Rumbles. When I stop and think about it, I missed out watching a lot of the Attitude era as it happened. I kinda got burned out/moved on to other things when I got past my freshman year of high school, but I mildly kept up with things for a couple more years.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I remember getting all excited when the tapes of the first few Manias would hit the video store. WM III through VI were probably the high water mark. We'd rent those and then spend an afternoon watching them. I watched WM IV (the tournament) through squiggly-lined cable scramble bars, and it was amazing getting to watch WM V (Savage-Hogan) live when my uncle invited us over.

    Didn't watch another one live until I went to big boy town and bought WM 24. Now it's like an annual thing for me to get it and maybe the Rumble.
    The bad part about ordering Wrestlemania is that my wife makes me pay the cable bill if I order a PPV. I also like to get the MLB Extra Innings package, and with WM being in the same month it means I'll have to pay a $400 cable bill next month :eek:
  8. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    Love the double VHS tape WM IV rental!
  9. I think the last PPV I ordered was No Way Out 2002. All hail the return of the nWo.

    Since no one else has taken the ball with this, I figure I'll go ahead and be the first with WM Predictions:

    Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes: Rhodes. I see this as the first step of a serious push for him. Remember when everyone thought DiBiase would be the breakout member of Legacy? Yeah, me neither.

    US Title: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan: Bryan regains.

    The Corre vs. Santino, Kozlov, Big Show and Kane: I'll order another pizza then.

    Randy Orton vs. C.M. Punk: Punk.

    John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Orange Ooompa Looompa vs. Laycool and Dolph Ziggler: Who cares?

    Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole: Lawler, with Cole taking indefinite leave afterwards.

    World Heavyweight Title: Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio: Too soon for him, but I think Del Rio gets the strap.

    Undertaker vs. Triple H (No holds barred): 'Taker.

    WWE Title: The Miz vs. John Cena: The Miz. Rock costs Cena the belt, setting the stage for them at SS.
  10. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes: Rhodes. I hate seeing Mysterio win. I can't stand his character anymore, and Rhodes is awesome in this role.

    US Title: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan: As much as I hate to say this, I think Sheamus retains. They're finally starting to push him again, even if it is with just the U.S. belt. Bryan seems to be fading into obscurity. I really hope they surprise me, though, and give the belt back to D-Bry.

    The Corre vs. Santino, Kozlov, Big Show and Kane: Barrett and Co. have gone from beating up on Cena each week to this? Holy shit.

    Randy Orton vs. C.M. Punk: Punk wins in some screwy fashion. They keep the feud going until the summer, when Orton gets a revenge win.

    John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Orange Ooompa Looompa vs. Laycool and Dolph Ziggler: Really? This is a "match" at Wrestle-freaking-Mania? Really?

    Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole: Lawler wins, sending Cole off the air for hopefully a long while. If WWE doesn't write Cole out of the picture for a bit, something's wrong.

    World Heavyweight Title: Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio: It's way, way, way too soon for Del Rio to get a run with goldie, so I'm going with Edge to retain. I really do love Del Rio's character; I just think he'll get his push soon enough. They'll keep this feud going for a while -- or at least they should, IMO.

    Undertaker vs. Triple H (No holds barred): Undertaker wins, but Trips -- being the bosses' son-in-law -- gets most of the offense in before getting his ass whipped at the end of the match.

    WWE Title: The Miz vs. John Cena: As much as I hate to say it, Cena wins without Rock interfering. Miz has held the strap for quite a while now. It's time to give someone else -- even it's Cena -- for a run.
  11. podunk press

    podunk press Active Member

    This will be my first WrestleMania buy. Excited about it.

    They had me when HBK's music hit on Raw last week.
  12. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    My wife and I ordered WM25 and WM26 so this is pretty much an annual buy for us now. We'll have 10-15 people over and it's a blast. I just hope this show is as good as the past two were but my expectations are pretty low.

    Corre vs. Kane/Show/Kozlov/Santino: I'll take the Corre here in the opener simply because this match means nothing and usually the faces get the rub at Mania so this will balance that out.

    Sheamus vs. Bryan: I've got high, high hopes for this match. I feel like, if given enough time, this could be the bout that catapults Sheamus back into the main event picture and Bryan to at least upper midcard level. I still contend that Bryan is a terrific wrestler who's being used horribly. Hopefully they have more than five minutes here. I'll take Sheamus here in a potential sleeper match of the night.

    Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes: I'll take Rhodes here but only because Mysterio has gone over at the last two Manias and doesn't have as much to gain here as the Dashing one does.

    Punk vs. Orton: I'll take Orton here in another potential sleeper bout. I like Punk but hope this represents a turning point for him. They really need to reboot his character. I remember being so excited for this angle when it started. Now? Not so much.

    Laycool/Ziggler vs. Snooki/Trish/Morrison: No way this match ends in any other way than Snooki pinning Layla. Shame too because the WWE has some talented Divas and is instead wasting time with this crap.

    Lawler vs. Cole: This is basically Hart vs. McMahon II. Lawler is going to crush Cole and finally get his WrestleMania moment.

    Del Rio vs. Edge: I'm going to go with Del Rio here. I just hope it's (somewhat) clean. I could see Christian costing Edge here but I hope if they give Del Rio the strap (And they kind of need to to establish him as a real threat on SD), they do it in a believable way.

    Taker vs. HHH: No way does Taker lose the streak the year before he would be going for #20. My only hope for this match is that it's as sick/extreme as the WM17 one was. We'll see.

    Cena vs. Miz: They've shied away from cheap finishes at recent Manias so I think the only way this one ends, especially if it's on last, is with Cena's hand raised. Shame, too, because I feel like Miz never really got that signature win under belt as champion.
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