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2015 Baseball HOF ballot released

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by novelist_wannabe, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    As close to triple digits as you can get. 99 ballots so far, which is 17.3 percent of last year, and I'm amazed that five guys are still on the right side of the line.

    99.0 - Johnson
    98.0 - P. Martinez
    88.9 - Smoltz
    83.8 - Biggio
    77.8 - Piazza
    71.7 - Bagwell
    62.6 - Raines
    58.6 - Schilling
    43.4 - Bonds
    42.4 - Clemens
    42.4 - Mussina
    28.3 - E. Martinez
    22.2 - Trammell
    16.2 - Smith
    16.2 - McGriff
    15.2 - Kent
    9.1 - Walker
    6.1 - McGwire
    6.1 - Sheffield
    6.1 - Sosa
    2.0 - Mattingly
    1.0 - Garciaparra
    1.0 - Delgado
    1.0 - Pete Rose
  2. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    I think he moved due to injury, no? In any event, I still don't think any of the positions get him anything but novelty bonus points over a ss. The eras are still vastly different. The difference in ops+is 112-110. Which is my point. I never said trammel was the better candidate, but that the difference between them can't justify the gap between how they were treated by the writers.
  3. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    At this point compared to last year, the exit of Morris has already been felt:

    Biggio is up 3.3 percent
    Piazza is up 5.9 percent
    Bagwell is up 6.7 percent
    Raines is up 7.4 percent
    Schilling is up 20.1 percent
    Mussina is up 8.4 percent
    Edgar is up 7.3 percent
  4. RecoveringJournalist

    RecoveringJournalist Well-Known Member

    It would be really nice to get four in. Five would be awesome.
  5. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    I don't think Piazza can hang on -- the unpublished voters haven't been high on him since he hit the ballot -- but he's going to be around 70 percent to set him up for 2016.

    Biggio has already gained enough voters from last year that he will go in this time as long as everyone else who voted for him does the same and the remaining first-time voters send votes his way.
  6. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Ross Newhan on FB:

    I voted for 10 on my Hall of Fame ballot: Bagwell, Biggio, R. Johnson, Kent, P. Martinez, Mussina, Piazza, Raines, Schilling and Smoltz. I don't think there is any reason to review my position on Steroids Era candidates with whom the PED link is beyond circumstantial. I will say that those voters who insist that steroid use was so pervasive that it is impossible to separate those who used and those who didn't are simply wrong. There were plenty of non-cheaters who were deprived of jobs and salaries by the cheaters, and the union tolerated the situation far too long, ignoring complaints by many of their members.
  7. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    And so did MLB.

    What horseshit logic. As if players that are potential hall of gamers were taking jobs from minor leaguers.
  8. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    I would like to ask those who inhabit Mt. Pious if they would hypothetically vote for a player who tested positive at a young age and received a 50 game suspension but never tested positive again.

    For instance, let's say Mike Trout was busted for Adderall without a prescription, not unlike what your heroes were taking back in the good old days, would he be automatically scratched off your ballot in 20 years?
  9. MankyJimy

    MankyJimy Active Member

    As close to triple digits as you can get. 99 ballots so far, which is 17.3 percent of last year, and I'm amazed that five guys are still on the right side of the line.

    99.0 - Johnson
    98.0 - P. Martinez
    88.9 - Smoltz
    83.8 - Biggio
    77.8 - Piazza
    71.7 - Bagwell
    62.6 - Raines
    58.6 - Schilling
    43.4 - Bonds
    42.4 - Clemens
    42.4 - Mussina
    28.3 - E. Martinez
    22.2 - Trammell
    16.2 - Smith
    16.2 - McGriff
    15.2 - Kent
    9.1 - Walker
    6.1 - McGwire
    6.1 - Sheffield
    6.1 - Sosa
    2.0 - Mattingly eball HOF ballot released

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    Della9250Active Member


    As close to triple digits as you can get. 99 ballots so far, which is 17.3 percent of last year, and I'm amazed that five guys are still on the right side of the line.

    99.0 - Johnson
    98.0 - P. Martinez
    88.9 - Smoltz
    83.8 - Biggio
    77.8 - Piazza
    71.7 - Bagwell
    62.6 - Raines
    58.6 - Schilling

    1.0 - Garciaparra
    1.0 - Delgado
    1.0 - Pete Rose[/QUOTE]

    Are there any Hall voters on this board?

    I see about 20 names on that list I would vote for.
  10. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    Sam Carchidi gives Rose his second write-in vote
  11. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    What I don't get:

    You have all these professional reporters (not all, but clearly some) treating Piazza & Bagwell like Bonds & Clemens on the question of PEDs with no real evidence. Is anyone out there trying to find the evidence? You wouldn't think it would be that impossible. No one will talk on the record? Is ARod the only one to leave a paper trail? Are there people actively pursuing this and coming up empty? If so, they should write about that which would seem to counter, at least to a degree, the whispers.
  12. RecoveringJournalist

    RecoveringJournalist Well-Known Member

    I'd be surprised if anything new is being dug up on any of these guys. If anything comes out at this point it will be because a player admits to something or someone writes a book like Canseco did.
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