There was a part where he said he signed away his deferred compensation with the Clippers in order to get Donald Sterling’s approval on the trade to Boston. Walton may have been fine with it but the union should have raised hell.
Anybody else added the Spotify playlist for The Luckiest Guy In The World into your rotation? I was never a Deadhead but I put this on while working Monday. By the end of the day it occurred to me I was in a fantastic mood.
My favorite Walton memory is him excoriating Larry Johnson after Game 4 of the '99 Finals. I wish I could find an A/V clip of it because it was just incredible. Reading this in his voice (LLLLLLLarry Johnson...) still makes me smile. Larry Johnson, who spent the last 48 hours railing against the world, what a pathetic performance by this sad human being. This is a disgrace to the game of basketball, to the NBA. He played like a disgrace. He deserved it.
It’s wild watching his straight-laced, hypercritical work on NBC in the 1990’s compared to his persona now.