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9/11/01--Where were you when you heard the news?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Chef, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    I ran through about three sites, posted the one I felt was least noxious. I was in a hurry, and having a shit of a day. No excuse, just factual.

    Defacement, that's not established. Could have been oil from a leaf-blower, I suppose. (And if it's not easily removed, that should be news too, although of a lesser degree.) Let's just make sure that others understand you're not quoting me when you use the phrase "the antiwar crowd". You won't get that from me.

    Also, there should be an inkling here about how I feel about Asians. An inkling.

    And that's more than enough from me on this subject.
  2. And I didn't.
    And if it was a leaf-blower, someone should get fired.
    "Sorry, chief. I was cleaning the memorial and I accidentally sand-blasted off Lincoln's nose."
    No insult intended.
  3. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Legitimate news source:
    Al Gore.

    Illegitimate news source:
    Fox News
    The Drudge Report

    Sorry to post your list, FenPhen.
  4. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    STFU. Please.
  5. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Sorry, but liberals don't have the right to dominate this kingdom.
  6. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    Ok, I'll put it another way: please say something original, or STFU.

    You know the history of red-baiting in this country, right? Shades of Robert Welch. Just say something original, or funny, or sensible.

    Now please excuse me; I must go back to the tea and razzleberry scones I'm enjoying with my liberal brethren and sistren.

    PS: A glance at Drudge shows me a story of an abandoned monkey who has fallen in love with a pigeon. Complete with photo. And I thought it was just a blog. Get back, CNN!
  7. With razzleberry dressing?
    (Magoo-jack at its finest!)
  8. doubledown68

    doubledown68 Active Member

    I was less than a week into my first job after college. Hours were different then, so I was on my way to the office early because I still didn't really have a sense of what I was doing.

    I was listening to a local sports talk goober on the radio, and somebody called in with a "current events update" to say a plane had crashed into the twin towers. By the time I got to work, the second plane had hit.

    What I'll remember most is the the sound in the newsroom that day. At the time, the paper had this archaic, non-Microsoft Word based wire/input system that made a beeping noise every time an update was passed along the wire. Every computer had them, and the beeps almost never stopped that day.
  9. A good friend and mentor worked for UPI back in '63, when the teletypes were run with a system of bells, and he says that November 22 sounded like he was trapped in Big Ben for three hours.
    He also says, as was the case with Katie and Lauer here, that there were a ton of wire feeds that had gunfire from all over the plaza, and eyewitnesses who saw shooters everywhere. He always had his doubts.
  10. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    This doesn't necessarily belong here, but it doesn't really warrant it's own thread so here's my question: I was watching a National Geographic special and it seems like every hi-jacker turned off the planes' transponders making it very difficult to track their paths, so my question is why is turning off the transponder even an option?

    This may seem like a conspiracy theorist leading question, and I'm promising it's not. I'm just curious as to why turning the transponder off was an option because I can't think of any benefit to it, thought I know there are plenty of people here who know more about this than I, and that is why I ask.
  11. TheHacker

    TheHacker Member

    I was in the car. I had just left for work and turned on the radio and the all-sports station was talking about the first plane having hit the World Trade Center. At first they were saying it was a small plane because they were watching TV and that's what TV was reporting. And then after a couple of minutes, once they started saying it was a jet, I remember switching over to Howard Stern, because I knew his show originated from Manhattan. Seems stupid now, but somehow I just felt like I wanted to be hearing this from people who were actually in the same city where it was happening. Of course, they were watching it on TV too. But when the second plan hit the WTC, I remember Stern saying that the explosion looked like something out of a Jerry Bruckheimer film.

    I really didn't have any time to see any TV during the day, as things were unfolding. Earlier this week, on Tuesday morning, MSNBC re-aired about three hours of NBC news coverage, real-time, as it happened and I recorded it on the DVR. I'm not especially patriotic, but I feel like it's one of those things worth saving to watch as time goes on. This was the first chance I had to watch it unfold in real time, and I actually had a jittery feeling. Even knowing everything that was going to happen, down to the minute, it still shook me up to see it played out ... and that didn't really surprise me.
  12. markvid

    markvid Guest

    What is higher, the number of threads Yawn has wrecked or his IQ?

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