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A quick chuckle for those of us in preps...

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by schiezainc, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    X pronounced "Megan"
  2. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member


    Crazy that a newspaper would do that. Wonder if the writer will be disciplined.
  3. partain

    partain Member

    I once went to cover a D-II men's and women's basketball doubleheader for the small college in the town I was working in. Sat at the table with the SID and the radio guy during the women's game and everything was fine. Former AD (who did men's play-by-play) came in between games and decided there wasn't enough room for everyone. He was one of those guys who was a big fish in a very small pond, and wanted to make sure everyone knew he was still running the show. So, I was booted to a small table by myself on the end of the court.

    Since the men's team had the game in hand, I left at halftime. I knew the SID was in a tough spot, but I told him I wouldn't be back if I was going to be treated like some sort of second-class citizen. Fact was, few people in town cared if I covered the school to begin with. Preps was what sold papers there. Next game, they had a bigger press table set up and it was never an issue again. SID apologized several times and always thanked me for showing up to cover the school's teams.

    SID and I even made the five-hour drive to a playoff game later that year. This was in the mid-90s and I didn't have many options for getting the story back to my small daily paper, especially when the game went into three overtimes. So, he drove while I dictated the story over a bad cell phone connection.
  4. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    <a href="http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/did-you-know-michelle-obama-took-16-vacations-in-4-years-on-youre-tax-money/question-2875977/?link=ibaf&imgurl=http://memecreator.net/holy-advice-dog/showimage.php/10172/Not-sure-if-you-are-kidding-or-just-very-stupid.jpg&q="><img src="http://memecreator.net/holy-advice-dog/showimage.php/10172/Not-sure-if-you-are-kidding-or-just-very-stupid.jpg">
    pics on Sodahead</a>
  5. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    At least he didn't list a dead guy as a "player to watch."
  6. rtse11

    rtse11 Well-Known Member

    Many years ago - in the first game of the season - one of our football teams' senior captains tripped running through one of those banners the cheerleaders make - only this one was attached to a big circular piece of aluminum. Anyway, he ripped a knee or an ankle, I can't remember which, and was done for the year.
    After the game, I asked the coach, You getting rid of that banner thing? "You bet your sweet ass I am."
    Guess what our quote of the day was. Coach loved it, but I heard he got a stern lecture from the superintendent.
  7. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

    I thought that was pronounced "Keri." Or is it "Kerry?"
  8. StaggerLee

    StaggerLee Well-Known Member

    At my previous stop, there was a high school football coach who was a straight shooter. He had some very memorable quotes, many of which I'd have to ask him "You sure you want to say that on the record?" to try to save him.

    Probably his most memorable was during a preseason interview with the local TV station. The previous year, his team went 3-4 and had the last three games canceled because of a hurricane that was pretty catastrophic in his area (lots of lost homes, flooding, etc.). The reporter asked him what would need to happen for Podunk High to improve on the previous season, he responded "We need another hurricane to hit and wipe out the entire season this time."

    Oddly enough, he didn't get fired, and only got a little reprimand from his principal. He definitely didn't mind saying what was on his mind.
  9. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Another gem -- completely unprintable, unfortunately -- came from one of our area football coaches.
    His team won a game in which it converted two trick plays for touchdowns and dodged a short missed field goal at the end to win 30-29. The other team, which was decent but still an underdog, had outplayed his bunch and he knew it.
    I asked if he felt fortunate to get out of there with a win. Without hesitation, he says, "We were luckier than a man with two dicks."

    It was, of course, quickly followed by him laughing and saying, "Don't print that!" and then giving me a much more family-friendly answer.
  10. I had a juco basketball coach who told me, "Look at the players Podunk College coach has. He's got six bullets in his gun and I'm over here with a slingshot."
  11. They do cover Mountain Valley but Mountain Valley has no volleyball team
  12. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Not the same thing, but I heard a coach call his players assholes last night for the first time.
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