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All-purpose, running Geek thread (formerly Battlestar Galactica thread)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Piotr Rasputin, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    You're right. The credit scenes are outstanding and what they did with X-Force was great.

    The cameos are also a lot of fun. I missed two of them, which I just read about now. I will just say that it's worth paying attention to the first two characters Cable encounters.

    Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz are both excellent, which really helps make much of the movie work.
  2. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The X-Force scenes reminded me of a certain era of the comic, that's for sure. That one of the members hailed from that era was a nice touch.

    The cameos, as great as they were, are almost wasted. The ones you mentioned are under so much makeup that they're not recognizable, and the other one is so quick that it's easy to miss (especially since you're probably laughing as it happens).
    The others -- the one in the mansion and in the credits -- were a little better, just because they lingered long enough for them to register.

    And you're right that Brolin and Beetz are both great. I liked Cable's evolution from stereotypical gruff badass villain/anti-hero to guy wondering what the hell he's wandered into, and Beetz was a lot of fun as well. I'm not real familiar with Domino from the comics, so I'm not sure if it was a different spin on the character or what, but her attitude toward her powers was great. Brolin nailed Cable.
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I thought the movie version of Domino was true to the comics, both her attitude and her powers. They simplified Cable, which is a good thing. He has one of the more convoluted stories in comics, and that is saying something.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I went to see it with my wife (who enjoys the lighter superhero movies like Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy, but has never read a comic book in her life) and was dreading having to explain Cable's origins in 15 seconds or less. I'm glad they kept it to the basic premise of, "He's a badass cyborg soldier from the future here to avenge and/or save his family" and left it at that. It's been done before, but it's also been done so much that it doesn't need a lot of explaining. Even going for humor points while alluding to Cable's comic book back story might have muddied things up.
    Did they even show his actual telekinetic powers in the movie? He had a few scenes where he pulled his wayward weapons back to him, but the sound and special effects also implied that it could have been some sort of magnetic field or futuristic technology at work, instead of mutant powers. In his big fight with Deadpool it also seemed like he was relying more on the strength of his cybernetic implants to deal damage than telekinesis.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    It was definitely a version of Cable that relies more on technology than telekinesis. There are times in his comic book history that Cable used technology to replace his mutant powers. Really, they have tweaked the powers and history of most of the characters they used in both Deadpool movies. Even Wade Wilson is very different, though his origin in the comics is murky at best.
  6. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I thought it was fairly well-established that Wade Wilson/Deadpool got his start with the Weapon X program? It was one of the few things that "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" stayed faithful to.
    Have they altered or retconned that? I haven't read any comics in a few years.
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Neither movie version is completely true to the comics. The X-Men Origins: Wolverine version had him created by Weapon X, but the character was drastically different for reasons beyond the lack of a mouth. He was a mash-up of powers of many mutants, including Wolverine, Cyclops and Wraith (Will I. Am's character).

    The Deadpool movie version has no connection to Weapon X. The program that created him was similar and Ajax was part of both, but he wasn't from the same program that enhanced Wolverine and others.

    It's been a while for me with the comics, too, but I believe that Deadpool was created by an attempt by Weapon X to replicate Wolverine's healing factor. Both movie versions have elements from the comics, but change quite a bit. Also, it was later revealed that the program was part of Weapon Plus. Weapon X was the 10th generation of the program, a cooperation between the CIA and the Canadian government. Weapon I was Project Rebirth, which created Captain America. Weapon VII created Nuke. Weapon XIII is Fantomex and Weapon XIV was the Stepford Cuckoos. (Sadly, I actually knew this stuff, except I had to look up the numbers for all but Wolverine and Captain America.)
  8. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Speaking of the comics, one more reason I enjoyed Deadpool 2 ties into my introduction to the character, which was his self-titled mini-series in 1994, about three years before the character had his first ongoing title. The reason that maters because is a spoiler, so see below.

    "In the mini, Black Tom Cassidy sends the Juggernaught after Deadpool. Sadly, the rest of the Cassidy family wasn't involved this time around. "
  9. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Is Deadpool, the movie, in the same Universe as The Avengers, movie?
  10. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    No. Two separate entities, at least for now. Deadpool and the X-Men are in a separate universe. That's why the X-Men have a Quicksilver and the Avengers had a different Quicksilver.

    However, given the pending Fox/Disney merger; the potential for them to introduce alternate realities in the wake of Infinity War; and the way the X-Men have mucked about with their own timeline, that could change.
  11. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Well, at least it doesn't seem to have the feel of a Michael Bay movie. That said, did anybody really want more Transformers movies?
  12. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    This trailer and feel is 100x better than anything Michael Bay put out there. Well, the first Transformers wasn't horrible. But the rest - ehhh. I did some reading about it and the budget is super low and was supposed to come out around now or late June and was eventually pushed back to Christmas. Love the G1 look. The latest Bayformers did get cancelled. Also, there will be more coming out down the road - reboots I saw somewhere. Hasbro is trying to link its lines into one universe.
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