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All-purpose, running Tim Tebow sucks/is a deity thread!

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MisterCreosote, Dec 11, 2011.


    YGBFKM Guest

    I agree with BYH. People should keep their obsessions to themselves.
  2. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    It showed up on that infernal news feed.

    I hope you subscribed, so that you can get the good word as often as necessary.
  3. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    The only good words I need today are "zone read." but the Fallon video has been going through my head all day -- "this is Jesus Christ to Tim Tebow ... Please leeeeaaave me alone"
  4. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Has anybody answered this question? No, right?

    Interesting. Very interesting.
  5. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    D_B, Drewes is the previous, big-breasted one

    YGBFKM Guest

    What if pigs could fly? Nonanswers will be seen as bigotry. Go.
  7. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    What if an NFL QB spoke as much about his Muslim faith as Tim Tebow preaches about his? How is that? Is that more direct?

    You're not even the one I'm curious to hear from here. Yankee Fan is oddly quiet. Always has something to say about everything, except now. I wonder why that is.
  8. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    He would be praising Allah instead of Jesus.
  9. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Let's just say I doubt some of Tebow's supporters would be as supportive, and that some of Tebow's detractors wouldn't be as detracting.
  10. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    BYH, honest question: What is it that makes you post so much about Tim Tebow and his religious beliefs while I've never seen you ranting about Philip Rivers, Kurt Warner, Josh Hamilton or Mariano Rivera, all of whom make sure to thank God before they say anything else in a post-game interview and who are by all measures more talented than Tebow? Didn't Hamilton write a book about how God saved him from drug addiction? Yet you hammer on Tebow and not other athletes who basically do the same thing he does.

    And I ask this as someone who rolls his eyes every time these guys answer a question by starting out, "First, I'd like to thank my lord and savior, Jesus Christ," I just don't get why any of this elicits more than an eyeroll. If you'd prefer a PM, that's fine.
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure I said it would be a non event.

    We talked about how Hakeem was, and is, basically universally admired in the (conservative, Christian) city of Houston. We discussed how the football team in Dearborn, MI gets positive press for it's nighttime football practices during Ramadan.

    But, you want more. OK. I'll give you more, and you won't like my answer, but that's ok.

    You think Christianity is a fairytale, and that believers in it are weak, stupid people. OK, fine. You also think the majority of Americans are stupid people. You think, that all of this attention Tebow is getting might suck some people in. You think more people might turn to Christianity. You hate that thought. You want America to be a more secular nation, not a more Christian nation.

    You view the people who would be "sucked into" Christianity by Tebow, and those promoting him, to be the equivalent of victims.

    Now, I have no doubt some people will see the example Tebow sets, while performing on a big stage, and it will cause them to reevaluate their lives, and some will turn to Jesus Christ.

    And, while I think that number will be relatively small, I would see that as a positive thing.

    You view it as a fairytale, I'm raised in it, but skeptical. But, I'm not sure I know anyone for whom a conversion to Christianity has been a negative in their life. Do you?

    Finding God, in most cases has been a positive step. People put their lives in order. Quit drinking. They stop being so selfish, as they put God first, and their loved ones second.

    So, I'm not offended by Tebow proclaiming his love for Jesus.

    Now, what if he were Muslim, and were doing the same thing? Would I feel the same way?

    The simple answer is no. And, it's because of the differences between Christianity and Islam. To be quite frank, while I see conversion to Christianity as a mostly positive thing for people, I don't feel the same way about conversion to Islam.

    (Radical) Islam has been a negative, debilitating thing for many converts. Often the most fervent (radical) believers are converts. It's a conscious decision made in adulthood, not just the joining of your parents' religion you were raised in since birth.

    We've seen Muslim converts travel across the globe to join Al-Queda, or remain here and plan, attempt, and/or carry out terrorist attacks.

    I believe Christianity is, and has been, a force for good in this nation, and in this world. America is a better place because of it's Christian underpinning.
  12. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Native Americans would like to discuss that point about America is a better place because of its Christian underpinning, as would those millions killed over the centuries for not accepting Christ.
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