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APSE judging question

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by tenacious_g, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. tenacious_g

    tenacious_g Member

    Sorry if this topic has already been brought up, but is there any benefit to APSE posting in advance a list of contest judges and the categories they will be judging?


    I've judged in the past and found out what we were judging only after we arrived at the judging convention. I can't figure out any good reason anyone needs to know ahead of time who is judging what, but can think of some real scenarios of friends talking ahead of time about entries with potential judges.

    I'm not saying anyone will come right out and approach a judge about hooking him or her up, but I can see knowing a judge who is covering a category you're in and shooting an e-mail along the lines of, "Hey, I see you're judging (insert category here) at the convention. Sweet, you might see my article on coach so-and-so. Good luck!"

    Maybe they've been doing this in the past years since I've judged and I just now noticed, but this is the first time I can remember preposting of the judging roster with specific categories already assigned.
  2. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Does a group normally judge that many categories?
  3. tenacious_g

    tenacious_g Member

    I judged once in the past five years and every group had three categories to judge. Our group judged two categories and broke them down into 20 finalists, of which another group picked the 10 winners out of those finalists.

    Our third category was judging a final stack of 20 some other group had whittled down to the 20 finalists.
  4. EE94

    EE94 Guest

    not unusual for a group to have more than one writing category

    I wouldn't want to have to do more than one section, though. With fewer people attending, doing Sunday Under-40,000 will be a bear
  5. last year was the first time in my experience they published the list ahead of time. i found it a great convenience and was glad they did it again. you can find out ahead of time who you have to speak with if you don't already know people in your group; and listening to the reading of that roster can be monotonous. plus, i guess, if someone wanted to skip saturday night, perhaps as a cost-saving measure, they could.

    as for campaigning, with a wink or a nudge or more overtly, i've never seen it done on site, where it would be just as easy. that said, i don't think i would respond very well to someone making a pitch.
  6. Pendleton

    Pendleton Member

    Interesting to see some of the big-league newspapers getting their expenses paid by APSE. That's how desperate they were for judges this year
  7. Rhody31

    Rhody31 Well-Known Member

    Is there a weekly publication category at all?
  8. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    APSE judging conspiracy theories are the most overblown, posited by somebody who has never done it notions on the planet.

    I judged a lot of years. Never saw a single one. It's just an assumption made by a lot of people who have never been there and, dare I say, felt they should have won some year and didn't.

    I'm not saying there are not preconceived notions brought into judging of sections or writers whose style makes their identities obvious. I'm saying that the idea that groups of people sit around and figure this out ahead of time is, in my experience, non-existent.
  9. ScribePharisee

    ScribePharisee New Member

    I just looked at the rules on the APSE site. This is a crock, weak-minded way to try to regulate a good ol boy network. Obliterate the name of the paper? Let's see. I guess any reference to said professional team, certain colleges or high schools wouldn't identify the publication? There are plenty of cities across America with distinctive names. So do you obliterate those throughout the story? Seriously?
  10. Hank

    Hank New Member

    Agreed on the conspiracy part. There are none indeed. Unless You count the Sentinel shills ducking their heads in every room to see how they're faring.

    But sending sports editors to Vegas for a week in these times is a crock. I couldn't possibly look my staff in the eye and tell them I was going to ... what ... judge which 6-page section looks the prettiest?
  11. silvercharm

    silvercharm Member

    Will there ever be an easier year to win an APSE? I've got to think entries will be down significantly, maybe not half, but by one-third wouldn't surprise me.
  12. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    I don't know anything about any conspiracy theories. Never heard them in my brief time as an SE.
    I know a lot of folks on the judging list and think very highly of them. I would vouch for their intergrity with my life.
    The secretary-treasurer of APSE is my former boss and a guy I'd kill for at his request.
    All that said, it does seem a lot of winners come from among the judging panel. I have no stats to back this up. I do recall several times over the years seeing papers that had never won squat before winning something. And they had someone their judging. Interesting.
    On purpose? I can't believe. But it is human nature, I suppose. I'm eager to see what this year's list of winners looks like.
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