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Athletes who did not speak to the media

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Dick Whitman, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Turn the question around: why in the world would anyone ever trust or cooperate with the press?
  2. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Some guys are just like that. Some of them are hypersensitive and freak out about the idea of being challenged or criticized. Some are arrogant and can't stand that a group of non-athletes doesn't worship them.

    BYH: Worse than Andre Dawson?
  3. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Great story, and so very Curtis. Funny that we're talking about him so much on THIS thread.

    When I heard WmMary had signed a hearing-impaired player not far away from Richmond, I drove up and spent a day with Curtis and his family. Covered him teams at WmMary but not on a daily basis. So he became familiar with me. I saw him here and there during his baseball career, not frequently at all. And every time, EVERY time, he'd make a point of coming up to me to chat, ask after the family, the usual. Just a first-class person in every way. I guarantee you if he saw me now he'd do the same thing, even though I haven't seen him in years.

    The story about him getting tossed early in one of his cups of coffee is priceless. He lifts the umps mask so he can read the lips and the ump tosses him. He un-tossed Pride once he found out what was going on.
  4. mrbio

    mrbio Member

    If there was a Hall of Fame for Niceness, Curtis Pride would be a first balloter.
    Really The Hawk Andre Dawson was not good with the media? I got a great Biofile with him, was very nice. Gotta dig up the Curtis Pride Biofile.
  5. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I meant that Dawson is a worse player than Rice.
  6. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Andre Dawson allegedly uttered the quote "I want kids to look up to me; I want them to copulate me." So he is a Hall of Famer in my book.
  7. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    That's up there with Magic Johnson attaining HIV.
  8. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    Dave Parker? Sniffed?

    I see what did there.
  9. Joe Lapointe

    Joe Lapointe Member

    Even before he started messing with steroids, Barry Bonds was as surly as any athlete I've ever met. The only thing worse than the silent treatment from Bonds was when he allowed you to interview him. He had mean eyes and he coldest smile you'll ever see on a human being. Gave you a bunch of canned answers and never leveled. Wonder how he would've treated his cellmates? Guess we'll never know.
  10. mrbio

    mrbio Member

    Barry had a rep as being defensive and antagonistic to the media. I had one experience with him and he was actually quite nice. I did a biofile with Deion Sanders his Giant team and next over locker mate after overcoming some resistance from Neon Deion, he actually gave a classic interview. I then asked Barry B, who with some amusement, observed our entire exchange, if he would do one but he politely declined. But he was quite polite about it, enough to make me respect him. Can only go by they treat you and Barry B showed me a gracious respect.

    A wise old sage once told me some of these athletes get so big and so famous and wealthy that they go a little "spooky." It's not so easy being a big star like Bonds. They can't all be as nice as Tony Gwynn or Arthur Ashe or Wayne Gretzky.
  11. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    Bonds was hot and cold, with no real pattern. When he was with Pittsburgh, he could be expansive and friendly one day, rude and uncommunicative the next.
  12. Magic In The Night

    Magic In The Night Active Member

    I will agree that Albert Belle was one of the worst ever. I once tried to ask for an interview and he stared daggers through me. There aren't too many athletes who just flat-out won't talk. I think most of them actually enjoy torturing the media with their nastiness.
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