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Aussie College Baseball Playa Killed By Bored Teens In Ok Narrative

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Boom_70, Aug 19, 2013.

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  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    Under which rule of evidence?
  2. Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    old_tony, look! A minority is trying to rent an apartment.
  3. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    The Charles Blow narrative rule.
  4. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    You stated authoritatively that if Martin's grades were good, they would have been part of the prosecution's case against George Zimmerman.

    Please explain how those would have been entered into the record in the case as relevant evidence.
  5. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    I just want the truth. I don't want to read narratives spoon-fed to the media by the political illuminati.

    Gotta be careful out there.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    Still not sure what you disagree with.

    Here's my basic take, tell me what's incorrect:

    1.) PR Professionals produced and sold a narrative (storyline) to media members like CBS, Reuters and Charles Blow of the New York Times.

    2.) Race was a central part of the narrative (with Zimmerman "not being black"), as was the innocence of Trayvon. (Not "innocence" as opposed to guilt, but an All-American, child-like innocence, which included his fondness for Skittles and iced tea.)

    3.) The narrative -- more than the known facts in the case -- was what interested the media in the case.

    4.) The Narrative and the resulting media attention -- more than the facts in the case -- led to charges being brought against Zimmerman

    5.) Once the narrative was published by Blow, and then then the New York Times news pages, it was accepted in whole by the rest of the "media" with little questioning of it, little additional reporting done, and little interest in learning the facts, vs. merely presenting the narrative.

    6.) The fact that the narrative remained unchanged, even as new details emerged, shows the importance of the narrative, and the media's reliance on it.

    7.) Challenges to the narrative were/would be met with heavy criticism by those invested in the narrative, including accusations of "trashing the victim" and "racism".

    8.) Ultimately, the jury relied on the facts in the case, and acquitted Zimmerman.

    9.) The narrative lives on. Martin was referred to as a "Martyr" at the MLK events. Small_potatoes still argues the case based on the narrative, and not the evidence presented in court. Questioning the narrative will still result in accusations of "trashing the victim" and "racism".

    I might have left out a couple of points. If I did, I'm sure someone will remind me.

    But, if you disagree with what I've written, let me know.

    Then you can return to mocking me.
  7. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    Dude, we've been over this at least twice already. But, once more, an overview:

    You're still lumping all of "the media" into one entity, but citing as examples of "the media" as Charles Blow, Al Sharpton and other people paid to have opinions on things and stir shit. You also cite the reaction of the public as a result of media coverage, when it was the "activists" both in and out of the media who were responsible. The Charles Blows and Al Sharptons make up less than 5 percent of "the media," I'd guess.

    The Narrative™ you decry as false, misleading and evidence of a media-wide conspiracy, is based on ONE inconsequential fact that the media got wrong. Skittles and iced tea do no more to "prove" child-like innocence than watermelon fruit cocktail does to "prove" thuggery. It sounds like an awful lot of people think it's impossible that Trayvon WAS innocent, in whatever capacity you want to use that word.

    You want everthing about Trayvon questioned. You sound identical to my parody above. You want to require us in "the media" to do that with every case, or at least every case you have a political rooting interest in. Sooner or later, you have to trust someone - and reporters are trained to know how to tell if they can trust someone. If you had spent ONE DAY on a crime beat, you'd know that. I'm not going to ask 50 people 50 questions about iced tea any more than I'm going to ask about the color of Trayvon's socks.

    You haven't disputed the one major fact of the case, and really the only one that matters: Trayvon Martin is dead, and George Zimmerman killed him. Other relevant facts would be whether Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, how zealous Zimmerman was in following him, how Trayvon reacted to being followed, etc.
  8. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    By the way, I'm not being a smartass, but asking this for real:

    If you think we should investigate the Zimmerman case to the X-Files, Trust No One depths you're advocating here, do you think the same for the Christopher Lane case? If not, why not? And, don't tell me it's because no one created a Narrative™ that needs to be counteracted.

    I mean, if the Lane case is important enough to hound the president for a statement, surely it's worth questioning every detail until it's right.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    If my assumptions regarding the "media" are wrong, tell me which of the points I've made about the "media" are wrong.

    I haven't disputed "one major fact" in the case because the facts were presented in court and a jury made their decision.

    If you want to ignore the "narrative" then you're ignoring much of what transpired in the last year and a half, and why it happened. (And, why we'll continue to see it happen again.)

    The iced tea was illustrative. I've given the reasons already. I can again.

    The fact is, no one here knew it wasn't iced tea, and the folks here were convinced they "knew" all the "facts" in the case. Everyone was an expert.

    Well, then look at the fucking pictures. Google something yourself. Look at a take on the case from someone who isn't just presenting a narrative to you that was written by a hired PR pro.

    But, no one wanted to do that. They were convinced they knew everything. And, everything they knew was based on the narrative.
  10. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    I've given all of my reasons too. And, I'll just assume your answer to my second question is "yes." Trust no one, investigate everyone.

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree and go back to mocking each other.
  11. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    The only place the prosecution really tried the case was in the media. If you watched the prosecution in court, you would realize that. They put Rachael Jeantel on the stand as their star witness, for crying out loud.
  12. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
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