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beginning stringer problems

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Smallpotatoes, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Or, in Mr. Hickling's case, like a nice, shiny cubic zirconia.
  2. ronalong

    ronalong Guest

    You mean to tell me you won't use a dead stringer. Isn't that discrimination?
  3. This cannot be a true story.

    Is it a true story?
  4. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Completely true. Sad story. In no way did I mean to make light of it, but it is one of those old tales from the shop that comes up from time to time. You can imagine the gallows humor that followed from the rest of the sports staff.
  5. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Never again will I use the phrase "you're killin me" in our newsroom.
  6. 2underpar

    2underpar Active Member

    dude, you need to cover the dead guy's games, put his name on them, change his address to your home address and pay yourself a stringer fee on top of your regular pay.
    As grady told fred sanford after he was hit by a white guy in a cadillac, -- you're sitting on a gold mine.
  7. sartrean

    sartrean Member

    Ha, I did that once.

    I once worked as SE for this crazy freaking publisher. He was pretty liberal when it came to using stringers and paying them like $40 a pop for photos, so I used his camera and my friend's name and SSN to get paid. He had no idea, but he also had no idea of how to run a business, and I worked all the freaking time because I had to take photos of everything. the publisher never caught on.

    The tax free cashola was nice, and this guy was a huge jerk to work for and had been ripping me off for a year, so I rationalized it by thinking he needed to be screwed.
  8. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    We had a story turned in to us Friday night that might be the most ghastly mess I have ever seen.

    I'll see if I can post a bit of it tomorrow, but I can tell you -- the score appeared nowhere in the damned thing.
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