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Big Brother 8 running thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by budcrew08, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    I'm convinced that Amber has serious mental issues. She needs help. I enjoyed Dick calling out Jemeka on her belief that her lord and savior made sure her ping pong ball was selected.

    Dick continues to overlook the key to his game, and now it's going to cost him. He should have aligned with Nick. With his daughter also in the mix, he'd have some serious power. Then they could have approached Zack or one of the neutrals. Instead, he's probably going to lose a key person.

    Here's a little spoiler...

    Apparently, there's quite a big fight upcoming. It took place on Monday. I suspect we'll see it on Thursday.
  2. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    It wouldn't surprise me, in the next couple of weeks, if Kail and Jen stick around and Dick is out the door. His "I'm different than the rest of these people because I speak my mind and confront people" attitude is starting to wear on people - even people in the LNC.

    (Note: Could I use the word "people" more in the above sentence? Jeez .... ::) )
  3. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Yeah, Dick is ultimately going to bury himself. I hope they see fit to ditch Kail ... her pouting is almost as annoying as Amber's crying. My goodness, the girl burst into tears because Dustin bought himself a trip.
  4. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Everyone in the house getting all snarky over Dustin taking the trip and the cash out of the POV contest was crazy. He's the damn HOH, he made his nominations. I understand "protecting" them by winning POV, but screw that if you've got a chance to take some swag. Five grand is five grand, at least Dick understood that (while also criticizing him for taking the Barbados trip).

    Woulda been sweet if Dustin had got the last question right, then he would have won POV while also scoring the prizes.

    Keep sweetening that pot, Big Brother. That's where you find out who the smart people are.
  5. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Is there a woman in the house who didn't cry in this episode? OK, maybe Jessica. I can't imagine living with Amber. Did you see her at the end, prostate on her bed weeping and being consoled by Jen? For what? WTF did any of it even have to do with her? What a loony.
  6. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    ehh, prostate?
  7. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    someone emailed me the below message, it's from a guy with the livefeed and obviously watches every second of BB8. anyway...it's long, but interesting and surprising. I read this before watching last nights episode and I can clearly see what he's referring to with the players in the game.

    Big Brother: 8 7/26-8/2 (includes unboxed feed spoilers)
    Bahh. What a thoroughly detestable lot we've got this season. The television edits have not done a good job revealing just how horrible these people really are. Dick, in particular, gets a deceptive edit but almost all of them are nastier than we're seeing on CBS. America seems to think Jen is the worst but the reality is that Jen comes off as not only the most likeable but as the smartest in the live feeds. Taking them one by one:

    Dustin: This week's HOH. He gets a friendly TV edit but is actually fairly arrogant, mean-spirited, dishonest and gutless. He's not the worst in the house, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe Joe wasn't all wrong about him after all. Here's a revealing little tidbit from the feeds. Dustin has a dog who he refers to as his "nigger bitch" because it's a black lab. We haven'tseen that on CBS.

    Amber (AKA:Waahhhmber): Cries at the drop of a hat. One of the most self-absorbed people in a house full of self-absorbed people. Not only an attention whore but also one of the stupidest people in the history of the show. She makes Kelly Pickler look like Stephen Hawking. She constantly has to have ordinary words defined for her. Words which people have had to explain to her include "ridicule," "adulterous," "celibate," "entrepreneur" and "Jew." That's right, she didn't know what Jews were. Had to have it explained to her. One of her housemates, Eric, is Jewish. At one point, Amber asked him if he was offended by her use of the word "God." It wasn't because she knew anything about the reticence of some Jews to refer to God by name. She's just an idiot. She didn't know that Jews worship the same God that Christians do.

    Ironically, Amber is a member of a subsect of Godbothering Christians within the house but she knows nothing about the Bible or the details of Christianity, she constantly has to have everything explained to her during Bible reading sessions and her entire theological outlook seems to be that God exists to help Amber win Big Brother.

    I can't say enough about how annoying this woman is. From her voice, to her relentless crying and whining, to the way she eats to the delusional way she hangs all over Dustin with the sad, pathetic fantasy that she's going to convert him. Man, does she grate.

    Danielle: Her father is unquestionably an asshole, but she's not much better. Mostly vacuous but also a classic, snotty Mean Girl. One of the leaders in the never-ending house sport of Zach bashing.

    Nick: I don't know what to make of this dude. He's peeled off from the kool kidz clique of late and seems to have some awareness that their treatment of Zach and Jen is kind of fucked. He's still way too schmoopy over Danielle and I don't think he sees what a waste of space she really is.

    Kail: Stereotypical, uptight, narrow-minded, homophobic, Republican bitch. One of the Godbotherers. Has a conniving mean streak that hasn't really come through on the CBS shows. Another one who thinks that God cares who wins BB.

    Having said all that, she's more clueless than evil and even I think the crap she gets from Dick is overkill. I think she's actually kind of normal and not personality-disordered like most of the rest of them. I think she's kind of naive and way out of her league.

    Dick: Self-centered, bullying asshole. I've noticed he never bullrags the men the way he does the women. Might be the worst human being in the house. As a father, I was sympathetic toward him in the beginning. No more.

    Jessica: Mostly a non-entity except for the irritating baby voice. Kind of one of the kool kidz. Hangs out with Eric. Isn't very smart or interesting but not that annoying and doesn't seem thjat malicious.

    Eric: America's Monkey. He isn't exactly nice. He's one of the kool kidz who joins right in with the Zach and Jen bashing, but he's actually a pretty smart player. He is absolutely under the radar, even though he's in on every discussion and knows every secret. Not a small accomplishment, considering that he also has to do America's bidding with arousing suspicion. Also seems to have a spark of intelligence a pretty quick wit and is savvy about the house. If it wasn't for the AC wrinkle, I think he'd be a threat to win, but I think it's only a matter of time before that twist begins to bring him out from under the radar and makes him a target.

    Incidentally, the winning catchprase which Eric has already begun to introduce is "I'd do that for a dollar." Sadly, it was not "Sweet Chicken," but "I'd do that.." has the advantage of at least not sounding completely off the wall and Eric smartly introduced it under the pretext that he wanted to introduce an annoying catchphrase to make fun of Jessica's own penchant for catchphrases.

    Jameka: The leader of the Godbotherers. While she seems a little more genuine in her faith, she can also be obliviously hypocritical about it and has made some very judgemental statements about people who don't believe in God. She currently holds the POV after having played for Jen. She said before the comp that she believed that God wanted her to play her best for Jen. Also believes that God wants her to use it. This is somwhat amusing because it stops he others cold from trying to talk her out of it.

    Jameka believes that God has already preordained the winner of BB and they're all just waiting to see who he choses. The fact that this outlook would seem to directly contradict the free will of the players appears to be lost on her.

    Jameka is also capriciously judgemental and hostile to Zach, who has never said or done anything malicious to her.

    Zach: The house's favorite whipping boy. Zach bashing is a nightly sport in the house. They constantly intimate that he is "creepy," he's "ugly," he's a "desperate child molester" (Dustin), and many other things. Everything he says is dissected for hidden, sinister meanings. The women pretend to be afraid of him (daniell is one of the snottiest about it). Zach has no friends or allies in the house and is forced to play chess by himself to pass the time. The others how now stolen some of the chess pieces so he can't even do that anymore.

    CBS showed a clip of Zach talking about a comic con he went to with som weird sexual content, and it showed the others staring at him like they were shocked and appalled but hat was a deceptive clip. In reality, the others were fascinated by it and Zach was telling it in a sort of detached, embarrassed tone. Not only that but the others say far more graphically sexual things than that on a daily basis. Dick, in particular, is always saying sexually degrading things about the women in the house, including saying that he'd "like to fuck Kail in the ass and make her bleed," and similar things about Jen, yet if Zach says "hello," to one of the women they're beside themelves with indignation.

    Zach has done absolutely nothing to deserve this. His crime is that he's socially awkward and he's not as good looking as they are. It's all EXTREMELY Junior High School.

    Of course, if Zach ever wins HOH, they'll all be kissing his ass and acting like his best friends. The only ones who don't treat Zach like shit are Jen and Nick.

    Jen: Self-absorbed, yes. Vain, yes. But she hasn't been mean. She doesn't try to hurt people, she's nowhere near as dumb as she pretends to be (She's the only one in the house who's started to have a glimmer about the AC twist) and she's also pretty tough minded. She doesn't let much of anything get to her. Dick can't get under her skin no matter how hard he tries. She has to wear a unitard for a wekk "yay, I wanted this." She has to go on slop, "yay, I won't be tempted to eat fatty foods."

    She cried a little bit when Dustin nominated her (I think she really thought he'd pay her back for getting rid of Joe0, but it was only for a few minutes, she dried her tears and got her game face back on. I am now totally rooting for her to win.

    The Veto ceremony is coming up sometime later today. Jameka is expected to take Jen off the macaroni (as per God's will), and Dustin's most recent choice for a replacement appears to be Nick (who has no idea), but plans change in this house on a dime, so who knows. Jameka might not even use the Veto.
  8. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I would have sworn I wrote prostrate there, because as I was typing it I was thinking of Tony Soprano saying he was prostate with grief. That's probably why I did it, though.
  9. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Seriously... She's overtaken Jen as the most annoying person on the show...

    I hope someone actually gives her something to really cry about...
  10. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Oooh, pick me! Pick me!
  11. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Wow. It seems that Dick is living up to his name. I'm having some trouble this season because I really don't like any of them. I tolerated Dick, but he's become as annoying as the rest of them.

    I knew Dustin was going to turn out to be a bitch. Let's face it: He gave his roommate herpes. The chances are that he slept with a lot of guys before he caught herpes. Joe was the good guy of the two, or at least the better one. Dustin is a snake. I can see right through him.

    Jen isn't as ignorant as I once thought, but I can't support her.

    Nick is my player at this point. He's put his heart on the line. He's been fairly genuine with everyone. I can't think of many things that he's done to be a target other than forming an early alliance. But everyone knows those early alliances mean absolutely nothing.
  12. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Good stuff, Ashy Larry. I think it says a lot that someone who's watched all of them extensively sans editing is rooting for Jen to win.

    And I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I'm actually warming to Jen a little. A LITTLE. There might be more there than we initially thought (which of course isn't saying much).
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