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Big Brother 8 running thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by budcrew08, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I actually watched the Showtime feed this morning... Dreadfully boring... The only nudity came during the trailers for Californication...
  2. GoZags!!

    GoZags!! Member

    I hope that Kail goes tonight, but I figure Nick will be the one leaving.

    When Dick's tirades make me feel sympathy for Jen, One of The Most Annoying People Ever, then he clearly has crossed the line. He's smart enough to play the game & win, but what's with his personal attacks? They're not justified and they're not smart game play.
  3. Pancamo

    Pancamo Active Member

    I think Dick's behavior is evidence as to why his relationship with his daughter sucks. He has to control everything and I would wager as a teenage girl she fought back daily. If he can't have his way and dominate he turns into a raging jackass. I don't understand why everyone in the house accepts his attacks and doesn't gang up on him?

    His tirade on Jen the other night was absurd. She was smart enough to know missing the question gave the POV to Jameka. It was smart gamesmanship and Dickhead couldn't handle it.
  4. GoZags!!

    GoZags!! Member

    I think that is a right-on assessment.
  5. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I won't spoil it in case you haven't seen the commercial, but it looks like Dick really crosses the line with Jen tonight.
  6. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Does Jen have an IQ that could help her have a line?
  7. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    Couple of things about tonight's episode:

    - Dick, Dani and Nick can all die in a fire. Dick has totally crossed the line with his hatred for Jen. I admit to not liking Jen at the beginning, but no one deserves to be treated the way she has been. I find myself rooting for her. She's definitely cool under pressure. To sit there and take the insults the way she does, I couldn't do it.

    - Amber still needs to be put out of her misery.

    - Dustin has a girlfriend? What?

    - Could Amber tell Nick she loved him any more?

    I hope Eric, Jen or Zach win HOH.
  8. markvid

    markvid Guest

    How is Amber not dehydrated 24 hours a day?
  9. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Do they have shrinks on hand to deal with situations? I'm thinking Amber needs some help.

    Ah, we're onto Dick's rage ...
  10. Flash

    Flash Guest

    That was fairly tame. Is there another part?

    Of course, Danielle going after Jen is fairly entertaining.
  11. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Some of the live-feed nutjobs were curious as to how much of the confrontation would make it on the CBS episode tonight. It makes me wonder whether there was more than what we saw.

    I don't know what to think of Amber at this point. He completely lied to Nick and then didn't really come clean even after he was sent packing. And those tears, there are some serious psychological problems there. It might be the first time that a doctor has had to intervene for something that is not a physical illness or injury.

    Dick and Danielle just booted out the only person who was still squarely in their camp. They could have ruled the roost if they had pulled in Nick and then convinced him to bring Zack into a four-person alliance. Instead, the Jesus freaks and gay Satan wield huge power. Kail actually went from someone with no power to one of the most powerful people in the house. Father and daughter made a huge mistake tonight, but I think they still would have lost. They probably needed to bring Jessica into their camp as well.
  12. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Exactly. They were an obvious block of three, with Zack, who is apparently an odd man out, as their fourth. Now Dick and Dani will be screwed if ANYONE else there has any balls. Eric, Jessica, Kail, Zack, Amber -- any of them could spearhead an alliance at this point if they just step up.

    And the piling on with Jen is only making her sympathetic. Don't know how much effect that has inside the house, but on the show it's just making the rest of them look like assholes. She can easily be brought into any alliance.
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