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Bill Belichick, sleazeball

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by RokSki, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    KP - I could care less if Belichick answers my questions or not. He's a f*ckface, so I don't expect any answers from him. Who cares, a lot of athletes and coaches are assholes. Nothing new there.

    However, I'm not in the business of enabling adulterers and home-wreckers. The "it's no big deal" defense is not sufficient. 'You know, officer, I stole some money, but so did that guy.' Weak. I can say honestly that I've never had an affair with anyone else's wife, so my closet's clean on that one.

    For Belichick's and his apparent mistress, I hope these allegations are untrue. What needs to be addressed is the proper vetting of Belichick the man, instead of Belichick the Genius. We've all gotten plenty of that the last few years. I'm betting that you weren't too upset about that attention given Belichick. Here's the deal - If you can't stand the heat, don't do the crime. Belichick is a grown, adult man. A successful man. He doesn't need to be going after someone's wife. He chose to do so, and is now facing the consequences of his actions. That's it.

    Here are two important sports-related corrolaries to this episode:

    1. Was any of the supposed millions spent on his mistress footed
    by the Patriots, as an organization? Apparently the aggreived
    husband wants the answer to this as well. Because if they did,
    this could get a whole lot uglier and more expensive for the
    organization. What seems to be in question are some arrange-
    ments for the mistress at, and/or going to, Pats games.

    2. Was Belichick unduly distracted by this fiasco (5 calls/day,
    allegedly) to the extent that it affected his coaching duties with
    the Patriots? Remember that 2nd half defensive meltdown
    against the Colts 1.5 weeks ago? Pats fans do, too. And they
    want answers. If you're allegedly spending millions of dollars
    and numerous calls a day on another man's wife, it is perfectly
    reasonable to wonder if that is detracting from your job
    performance. It's not your wife, it's someone else's wife, which
    adds a whole different level of anxiety (or it should) to the

    Bill knows what kind of spotlight he's under, had to know that just this type of thing was possible, i.e., a divorce court legal discovery process which could put out all of these nasty facts and open him up to precisely this type of scrutiny. And he still did it, still allegedly maintained this extramarital affair.

    If you're not questioning the judgement of that employee, you're crazy. If I'm Kraft, I have to be sitting back thinking "What the f*ck is this guy doing to me, my reputation, and to the organization?!" If I'm one of the Pats players and I'm walking by the guy's office during one of his alleged 5 calls/day to the guy's wife and I know the situation, I'm thinking "Is this guy committed enough for us to win our next chamionship?"

    These are legitimate questions, if (and only if) these allegations are true. This is much deeper than "Who is he fucking?" I could care less about BB's sex life, in fact it's disturbing to even think about him engaging in sex (does he shove the chick away afterwards like she's a photog.?)

    This isn't about sex or not having reporters questions answered, it's about probing the mindset of a guy who could be this apparently foolish and haphazard in how he conducts his off-the-field life, and whether the off -the-field issues trickled to the on-the-field and 'on the organization's dime' territory.
  2. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    Oh, man.

    Pardon the cynicism, but have you been around sports? It provides many opportunities for bad behavior and a lot of people take advantage.

    I knew a ballplayer who bought a couple of season tickets in the RF stands. The team official who handled the transaction asked him why he was buying such bad seats. He said they were for his girlfriend, who didn't like baseball that much and just wanted to watch him. Plus, in RF, she was 330 feet away from his wife and kids, who were in the family seats behind the plate.

    I remember reading a book by one of Steve Garvey's ex-wives wherein she talked about a day that Walter Alston asked the Garveys for a ride home. They were headed out in a direction Mrs. G knew to be opposite from the old skipper's house. They dropped him off and Mrs. G came to the realization that grandfatherly old Walter had a girlfriend on the side.

    Apparently Steve didn't spend a lot of time thinking, "Is this guy committed enough for us to win our next chamionship?"

    He just recognized it as part of the landscape in their peculiar world.
  3. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    There is nothing likable about this guy. He probably doesn't even smile after sex.
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member


    Fred: "Something around here smells like a dried-up old (real bad word.)"

    Ethel: "Try the talcum powder, honey."
  5. No, the above post makes you a fan boy.
  6. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Exactly, Smasher. Everyone is doing their thing on the side. Everyday life has its distractions, and everyone deals with them. Just because the skipper may have done some copulating with multiple partners doesn't mean there's any extra "distraction" involved.
  7. Cousin Jeffrey

    Cousin Jeffrey Active Member

    I remember the Halberstam book, or ode, to Capn' Hoodie did point out that Kosar disrespected Belichick's game plan or something. It was an "I'm in charge" move. Obviously it paid off handsomely. I liked Belichick's response when a reporter later asked him what he learned as coach of the Browns: "Don't decide to move your team in mid-season."
  8. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Here's what can happen when a public figure decides to fool around with someone else's wife. You just never know when it's going to bite you in the ass, which is why the man involved must have his judgement questioned. Such poor choice making ruinously undercuts the offender's ability to lead; who wants to follow a man who exhibits such blatantly self-destructive behavior? Take particular note of the poll results, where 58% report that this affair has demonstrated, to them, the mayor's lack of judgement. How do you think these poll respondents would view Belichick's dalliance? And remember, they don't have to follow the mayor's gameplan every Sunday. Link:


    Bye-bye career, Gavin. What a moron...
  9. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Rok, you are comparing apples and tangelos. Belichick can game-plan in his sleep by now, probably. You're telling me that some more sexin' is gonna affect how he coaches?
  10. KP

    KP Active Member

    Rok, what had more of an effect on the AFC Championship game, Belichick getting pussy or a no-name like Eric Alexander leading the team in tackles. He had 10 in the game, 14 in the entire regular season. The guy barely sniffed the field. Guys in the secondary in the second half like Rashad Baker and Ray Mickens seeing significant time. Towards the end of the year Troy Brown played defense (especially against slot receivers), but not against the Colts, maybe the virus that went through the team/area had a little something to do with that. Tedy Bruschi looked like garbage that game, think Belichick getting a hummer had anything to do with it? Think Corey Dillon and Kevin Faulk's injuries had anything to do with Belichick going down on another consenting adult?

    And FB, I never realized schick was above being questioned.
  11. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    <i>"Such poor choice making ruinously undercuts the offender's ability to lead; who wants to follow a man who exhibits such blatantly self-destructive behavior?"</i>

    People who live in a world where that kind of behavior is common. Seriously, are you reading too many Chip Hilton books?
  12. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    All I know is Gil Thorp would never fuck another man's wife.
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