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Blood in the streets of Hartford and Baltimore

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Baltimoreguy, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. Jersey_Guy

    Jersey_Guy Active Member

    I think it's a different situation when you're an outside observer.

    This is more akin to a just-called-up rookie blogging jokes about his manager being fired and his teammates reacting poorly.
  2. Walter_Sobchak

    Walter_Sobchak Active Member

    You can't be serious. It's not that this nimrod blogged about it, it's that he took some perverse joy about people iosing their jobs. I hope the folks at the Sun make life miserable for that prick.
  3. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Hey cranberry, next time I overhear you have a conversation with one of your best friends in the newsroom about how you're not sure how you're going to pay for your kids college tuition, is it ok if I post it on SportsJournalists.com using your real name? Like it's a funny joke?
  4. Beaker

    Beaker Active Member

    Given the state of the industry right now, layoffs aren't something to be joked about. What an idiot.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    The intern was a plant from the dildos at Tribune Co. to focus our hatred away from the true culprits.

    Apparently, their evil plan has worked.
  6. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    That's not what the discussion was about. It originated with his post about the memo he received and the impending meeting.

    Checking my inbox this morning, I found this lovely little note from editor Tim Franklin:

    "Dear colleagues,

    Please plan to attend a staff meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Community Room.

    Rosie is making arrangements so that the bureaus can join by phone. She'll provide details in the morning.

    Thanks for your patience and unwavering professionalism during these anxious times. We will share the latest information with you and try to answer your questions."

    Bureaus on the phone? Anxious times? Latest information?

    I love the smell of layoffs in the morning.

    It's like leading lambs to the slaughter. I'll be there. I've always wanted to witness an execution.

    Updates throughout the day.

    That's all I was addressing. Not other stupid posts he may or may not have made in the past (which I haven't seen).
  7. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I believe that's where the discussion began, and then in evolved. The thing you just quoted was childish and stupid, but your response was "well we've all said things like that about hirings and firings."

    I might have made a joke or two about, say, Doug Collins getting fired from the Wizards once or twice, or possible cracked wise about Dusty Baker getting offed by the Cubs. I fairly certain I've never made jokes about my fellow employees losing their jobs, which seems to have oddly escaped you. If I worked for the Wizards or Cubs and made those jokes, I probably would deserve all the anger and hatred directed my way.

    Do you really not understand the difference?
  8. I once worked at a paper where that very thing happened. CNHI paper. Sports intern and a news intern. Gone just like that, along with the 70-year-old obit clerk who was only working to pay his wife's medical bills.

    At least, somewhat on the bright side, the interns got to see the real world of working at a newspaper right away. Took me a few years to learn the hard truth.
  9. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Hang the DJ!
  10. Italian_Stallion

    Italian_Stallion Active Member

    I'm checking into this one a little late, but I don't think the kid's blog post was all that repugnant. He might have used poor judgment, but I don't think he was taking shots at employees. Rather, I think he was taking a shot at management. After all, he equated it to an execution.
  11. BrianGriffin

    BrianGriffin Active Member

    On a college beat, flying to anything but football was already out (we are centrally located in our team's conference, so we can drive to all conference games...of course, that's not cheap anymore either). l'm thinking about sitting at media day with some other beat writers and talking about doing exchanges for basketball and baseball...If our team's at your place and your team's at ours.

    That'll save a dime or two.
  12. zebracoy

    zebracoy Guest

    Eek...I certainly hope we don't end up at the same media day.
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