I am still concerned about the coach's car. Does anyone know if it sustained much damage and what the coach's deductible is?
Not necessarily. A few years ago a buddy of mine was t-boned by a guy on a bicycle. The cyclist came barreling down a hill, thru a stop sign and slammed into my buddy's car in the intersection. When the cops showed up they told the cyclist they could cite him for running stop sign but they let him off with a warning.
Big difference between a pedestrian and a cyclist, legally. However, what raised flags for me was when he said he was backing up. Most of the time people watch where they are going while driving forward. Backing up, not so much. If the kid was riding perpendicular to him in the parking lot and the guy backs out in front of him -- it's not the kid's fault.
Outing alert: Ace is the GEICO gecko. Back to topic: No matter how this is spun, the coach is a lousy human being. Period.
I totally agree. However, in the coach's defense, running over some kid really is damned inconvenient.