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Cheating Patriots coach faces more scrutiny

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by PeteyPirate, May 8, 2008.

  1. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    I think my harshest critics on these threads would tell you that there is no way in hell I would ever support tax-payer funding of NFL stadiums.

    Even so -- funding of stadiums is a local and state government issue --- not a federal government issue.

  2. Yes, Roger Goodell should use his mighty power to shut down the government.
    If he gets a subpoena, he goes to Washington, or he goes to jail.
  3. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    And you think the fact that federal government has this power -- to put a law-abiding citizen in jail because he told them to mind their own business is good?

    My God, you have much more in common with George W. Bush than even some of his staunchest supporters.....
  4. I think I saw the word subpoena in there, but I don't take the libertarian view of things in which any word is as good as any other one and the market will shake itself out.
  5. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    I think I also saw the word jail in there, which is what happens if you don't answer a subpoena -- which means Specter and any other government official with a court at his backing has the ability to put any law-abiding citizen in jail for any damn reason they choose -- including not running their sports league the right way.

    That's NOT a good thing....

  6. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    I hope you know NFL runs to the federal government to deal with Anti-trust laws and other matters.

    To say the federal government has no place in this matter is pretty much a cop out in light of how often the government plays a role in the way the NFL operates.
  7. Exactamundo.
    That said, Specter will find exactly nothing.
    I think the well's pretty much dry here.
  8. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    At no doubt a very large cost to taxpayers once he impanels a "commission" to study the issue who will no doubt need to hire cronies, err, investigators and of course we'll need to hire some special prosecutors and pay for them to fly all over the country to interview people and attend football games, on taxpayer's tabs,......

    Isn't big government great, I can certainly see why you are such a big fan of it......

    And once again for the cheap seats -- the anti-trust exemption does NOT give the government the right to stick its nose into the NFL or baseball or any other enterprise whenever it chooses. I mean, what's next -- is Arlen Specter going to decide to investigate the rash of pass interference calls that hit the league recently?

    This entire discussion is absurd, there is not one legitimate reason, other than grandstanding at taxpayer's expense, that the government needs to be involved in this.
  9. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    As someone said, no one really cares what Specter does. And that applies to 99 percent of the Senators and probably more in the House.
  10. 99 percent of the Senators...There are 100 Senators. Specter is one. That leaves...
    I see what you did there.
  11. There will be no "commission" impaneled. Specter will quietly decline to take this to the Judiciary Committee some time next month.
  12. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Specter knows a few dusty back roads around the Constitution. Nixon once considered appointing him to the Supreme Court.
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