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Christmas fighting

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Dick Whitman, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Turtle Wexler

    Turtle Wexler Active Member

    The denial is incredible to me.

    My mother hates everyone in my dad's family, and as I got older I realized it was her problem, not theirs. Because of this we didn't see any of them much, but when we did it was nonstop snarkiness and whining from my mother.

    A few years ago, after she went on a particularly fun rant after receiving a birth announcement from a niece, I asked my dad why mom hated his family so much. He said he had no idea what I was talking about. My brother and I were speechless.
  2. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    This is amazing to me. I've never endured anything 2% as dramatic as some of you.

    My brother went a little nuts this year after I got home Monday. He got all mad because my parents and I were 30 min. late to meeting him at a local bar to watch a basketball game, and my parents brought along two couples they're friends with. He was freaking furious, but on some level knew he was being absolutely ridiculous. He acted like he wasn't going to come over to my parent's place for Christmas (He lives 20 min. away), probably mostly because I bet him $100 that he would show up. He was still feigning insult yesterday, two days later, but he showed up tonight like nothing happened and will spend the night tonight. I can't emphasize enough that it was really, really stupid in the first place. But, that's what goes for drama here. I guess I didn't realize how lucky I am.
  3. SpeedTchr

    SpeedTchr Well-Known Member

    Wow. I am truly blessed to have never witnessed any family drama on any holiday in my almost 50 years. No matter how big or small the crowd, just genial conversation and... no booze -- ever. I can't imagine someone even popping open a beer at any of our family gatherings.
  4. Sorry to hear all the people who have holiday seasons with family that are nothing but bullshit. My life isn't perfect, but at least I don't have to worry about that crap.

    I'll never participate in family drama. Period.
  5. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    Here is why I think "Christmas fighting" is so needless and pointless for those of us 'in the business':

    Most of us work in professions with needless and pointless daily stress. We have deadlines, sidebars, multiple stories. The time demands are unrelenting, the staffing often not adequate. Phone calls and e-mails frequently tell us "we're idiots" and people constantly think they can do a better job than we do.

    So what do WE want over Christmas or the Holidays? Peace and quiet. That is the resounding theme I gather here.

    I think about my in-laws. Factory workers, accountants, service clerks. Their jobs are monotonous but lack the crazy time pressures we have. They have little excitement in their jobs and spend most of their time looking for a reason to make the day go faster.

    Not me.

    I look at the clock, most workdays, and wish I had more time.

    So you throw me into a scene where a bunch of factory/clerks/9-5 desk job-types are itching for some drama or some excitement... nope, not my scene.

    Ask me about my day or my kids and I'll do the same. But, for the most part, leave me the hell alone on these days.

    EDITED to add: Another reason I avoid my own family for Christmas. I left for college 20 years ago. But since I live my own life (as do my other siblings), we are often relegated with "embarrassing stories" from when we were 12 to 17...because that's all my parents have to talk about that fills the conversation gaps.

    And they wonder why I make myself sparse.
  6. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    The girlfriend just left and by the grace of god there were no fights tonight. Even my grandma was nice to me. I can't believe this happened. A festivus miracle.
  7. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    And I thought this thread was going to be about Renardo Sidney.
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