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Cursing in the newsroom

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Clever username, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. Assholes aren't exclusive to sports, TP ... though judging from this site y'all seem to have more than your fair share ... ;D
  2. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    hell, why do you think i embraced you the way i did? ... insert something about birds and feathers here.
  3. KG

    KG Active Member

    Well at least I'm not the only one using that word here.
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i've gone from mocking it as a kid to embracing it. it's a good word once one realizes y'all is singular and all y'all is plural.

    i just won't get behind: i'm fixin' to go to the store.

    i draw the line at fixin'.
  5. Y'all = You all, which is plural. All of you all is redundant.

    I think Southerners like to add syllables to words because it makes them sound smart.

    The word I hear down here all the time that I just hate is: irregardless. Public officials, the supposed educated guys, use it all the time down here. It's regardless, dumbass. No need for the extra syllable.
  6. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    well then, mr. smarty pants, how do southerners refer to the singular version of you if y'all is plural?
  7. Um, you. What are YOU doing today? Of course, some still say y'all because they don't want to mistakenly exclude somebody.
  8. KG

    KG Active Member

    At least you spell it correctly. I see people frequently spell it "ya'll." What the hell is that supposed to mean? WTF do yous guys think your doing when you spell it that way huh?
  9. Appgrad05

    Appgrad05 Active Member

    New features writer came in about five months ago. She's talking with the city editor one day and mentions that she isn't used to how casual cursing is in the office.
    She says to the CE that at her old shop, everyone said "Blessed" as a response to "How are you?"
    Well, next time I was pissed off, she asks me what's wrong. I look at her, hit the sports dept.-owned baseball bat against the carpet and say "Real fucking blessed."
    It looked like she threw up in her mouth.
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    impossible. southerners have to use y'all when refering to a human being.
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    uhhhmmm, we're trying to have a conversation here. do you mind staying off topic?
  12. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    write - i think she has potential. she's losing the sweet card by the second.
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