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Dear dimwit on the phone

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Starman, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    We got one of those "urban legend" calls today to the newsroom. I happened to answer.

    The guy said he had "heard from my sister, who got an email" that a soldier in uniform had been refused service by a convenience store clerk in town ... who was "middle eastern." On 9/11.

    I called b.s. on that inside my head, then expressed out loud my skepticism based on the second-hand nature of the story and then thanked him for calling.

    Turns out, someone else in the office had gotten the email, passed along from someone she didn't know very well.

    And as it happens, there's another store in the vicinity of the one where this supposedly happened where the owner is well known as being virulently, well, "anti-Muslim" may not take in everything he's "anti-" about.

    I think I see how the pieces might fit together ... unless, of course, it actually happened.
  2. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

    What makes it especially sad ... well, there are two things.

    1) I'm 43. Old enough to remember Jonestown. He appears to be just as old, although I haven't asked, so he could remember it, but I don't know what he knows. He used the phrase about four times the first time I interviewed him and I was stunned enough by it that I couldn't think of anything but, "Does he know what that means?"

    2) At the last home volleyball match, I saw the phrase printed on a sign of team goals for the season. It's above the door to the weight room. Everyone who passes it on the way to sitting on the home side of the gym can see it. So it's not only one of coach's "quirky" sayings, it's one of this year's team mottos.

  3. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    I assume you've talked with the coach about this since you're offended this much?
  4. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that Debbie scored a hat trick and Becky had two goals, but it's not getting into the paper until you supply the last names.
  5. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Dear Dad of a player who didn't get into Friday's game,
    No, I did not short your son a 20-yard catch. He didn't play in the game I watched with my own eyes Friday night.

    And guess what? I checked the Courier Journal's site, and their stats match up with mine -- although they had the team I was covering attempting 29 passes (I had them with 30) and two fewer yards.

    So tell me, where did those 20 yards come from again?

  6. WolvEagle

    WolvEagle Well-Known Member

    It is worth talking to the coach in private, but be nice about it. Many years ago, a grizzled, old football coach I covered regularly decided that he'd call his players "retarted" when they made mistakes in games. I later asked him to not do that - my aunt, whom I was close to before she died, was retarted. He was cool about it and stopped using that word.
  7. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking that the fact that it's become a team mantra may complicate that somewhat. I'm guessing that T-shirts will be coming out soon. That could be interesting.

    Maybe he's trying to develop a cult of personality. (Wokka, wokka! Try the veal!)
  8. Both of you idiots missed that amazing, once-in-a-lifetime catch he made? Jeez.
  9. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I should clarify: Those stats were sent by the other school. The CJ didn't send anyone to this barnburner.
  10. CA_journo

    CA_journo Member

    Dear anonymous parent caller,

    Thank you for leaving me a message that we gave a JV football touchdown to the wrong kid and that your kid is now distraught. I would've loved to have given you a call to clarify the matter, but you didn't give any kind of name or phone number so I can call you back.
  11. Even the school's stat keeper missed it???
  12. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    That's it...the kid was warming up the back-up QB on the sidelines...he probably had several 20-yard catches and where were you. Standing with your back to the kid watching the game...geesh. lol
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