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GOP VP thread: Palin is the pick

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Freelance Hack, Aug 29, 2008.

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  1. amraeder

    amraeder Well-Known Member

    The high price of oil doesn't help Alaskans too much.
    Higher gas prices mean higher costs to a) tourists themselves and b) tour companies. And since tourism is such a big part of the economy...

    The price of heating oil is absolutely killing a lot of Alaskans. So much so that the government was forced to give a tax rebate to help people pay for it.

    Gas prices in Alaska are crazy-insane, insane-crazy right now and that hurts your average Joe (especially in a state where everything is so spread out).

    Most of that oil money goes to the oil companies. Joe on the pipeline isn't seeing more money but his cost is getting driven up.

    Alaskans will get more money from their divy check this year, so they DO have that going for them.

    But the idea that high oil prices = good times for most Alaskans just isn't true.

    The wave of prosperity will come when the natural gas pipeline gets going. And that she will have had something to do with.
  2. Apparently, it means most of the people she governs think she's doing a good job.

    I realize you look down your nose at Alaskans (if not virtually all Americans), but you know it's about the same size as ... Delaware.

    That this thread has been pushed to 55 pages in such a short time is very telling about some of you.
  3. And can we put this lack-of-vetting shit to rest please? (Although I know it won't.)

  4. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    You're right. It says that we care enough about our lives, about this country, about this election to debate a relevant issue at length, going over the pros, cons and ramifications of McCain's decision.
  5. Yes, and it also tells me a lot of Dems are scared shitless that this pick could spoil your dreams of winning in November.
  6. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    What indicates that? I think you're reading something into this that isn't there.
  7. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    Nah, not so much.

    If this was a pick to pander to women, it's going to fail. There is no vagina litmus test.
  8. I think a lot of vituperative (there's that word again) reactions from some people here are based in that. I think they were banking on a safe, boring pick that they could tie to Bush. Seems like they're far too worked up about who's No. 2. Particularly when that person has more executive experience than their No. 1.
  9. If there is one, can I volunteer to be a tester? (As opposed to a testee ... well, we'll just stop right there.)
  10. Can we go back and see what the vetting processes were for every other presidential candidate? That would be fascinating.
  11. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    Well, I will defer to your greater knowledge of all things Alaskan. But I will point out that I posted that not long after reading this piece by an Alaskan columnist (http://www.newsminer.com/news/2008/aug/29/palin-unqualified-serve-vice-president/) that clearly does seem to indicate that the situation with oil markets has more than a little to do with the prosperity Palin's gotten credit for.
  12. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    And exactly the same thing didn't happen when Biden was picked?

    And god that executive argument is going to get tired soon. Again, I think it's far more about the positions the candidates have taken than whether they've signed a bill before.

    It's not like Obama or McCain, who also has no executive experience, will not know what to do with a bill when it arrives on their desk.
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