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Homeland (not the grocery store)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Matt Stephens, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    The Kim Bauer comparisons are not uncommon. But I think that was a case where it was the character and the actress who were completely annoying.
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    it is so obvious that Dal Adar has turned that it's too simple to be true. Saul will betray Carrie. Carrie and Brody are set up to come back and be the heroes
  3. printit

    printit Member

    I agree. My recollection is that, with Kim Bauer, everyone was ripping on the actress as well as the story/character. (although she was good on Happy Endings, so there's that). With Dana, people seem to be going out of their way to distinguish.
  4. printit

    printit Member

    The problem I have is that the suspicion of disbelief it requires doesn't even make sense in the world they created. Look, I know in real life Walt, Jesse, Mike, etc. couldn't rob a train. Yet within the confines of Breaking Bad, with the building up of each characters strengths and weaknesses, asking and answering the obvious questions about the heist, etc. I found that whole sequence completely believable. Homeland no longer works in the Homeland universe. Carrie acts(?) freaked out when she sees Saul on TV throwing her under the bus. But she's alone. So, she was performing for.....Oh well, hope it turns around, I still think the acting is great.
  5. In the scene where Carrie is with the lawyer and agrees to be a consultant with a terrorist I was like "Come the fuck on" but it's a testament to CD that I halfway bought it.
    As far as the twist, are we sure when Saul approached her with it? I'm thinking it might have been when he visited her in the hospital and she gave him the mush mouth FU. It's plausible in the way that the implausible things on this show are plausible.
    As far as the daughter, I think the writers are just buying time. And I'm spitballing here but it might also be a cost cutting move. I'm guessing the daughter makes less than Damian Lewis per episode.
  6. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    I suppose I could be persuaded that Carrie's reaction to Saul's testimony, even though she was alone, was driven by her actually having that sort of stuff put out there publicly, with her feeling the impact of that even if -- deep down -- she knew why Saul was doing it. You can know that bad news is coming but when it finally does come, and it comes in the context of a public forum, it can hit in a way you never anticipated. Maybe her reaction was just her being aghast.

    That said, let's get on with it. And plug any plot holes if you're going to pull off this deep-deep cover storyline.
  7. CHETtheJET

    CHETtheJET Member

    The Brody daughter physco boyfriend has to be part of a cell and is trying to find Brody. Why else the character? Or the storyline?
  8. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Stranger things have happened, but I kind of doubt it.
  9. printit

    printit Member

    Final scene sure played like they were working together from the start. And showrunner was quoted in interview saying just that.
  10. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    Nothing from last night? Thought it at least turned up some tension and tied up an annoying Dana subplot. Though -- stupid as the two kids were in their joy ride nonsense -- I felt the guy made a semi-plausible explanation to her.

    How many people have had a day that felt as bad as the one Saul had? Oy.

    Guess this might be a spoiler, so ...

    ... that one phone Carrie has tucked away in her kitchen but actually rings, how absurd is that? What if it had started to ring when she had the late-night visitors? Game over.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I thought it was the best episode of the season by far... Whenever Quinn is there, the tension seems to turn up several levels... That dude is intense...
  12. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    I am caught up now, through last night's episode, and I'm glad I stuck with it. When it was slow going in the early season, I was hoping they had a reason for making us slog through all that, and now it's paying off. Actually gives me hope that the episode with Brody down in South America is going to lead somewhere too.
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