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How to make a PDF

Discussion in 'Online Journalism' started by Turtle Wexler, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Turtle Wexler

    Turtle Wexler Active Member

    I just posted on <a href="http://www.sportsjournalists.com/forum/posts/3027930/">this thread</a> about my frustration with job applicants who send me resumes and clips in various file formats. These days most computers can open a PDF file, so I always recommend sending your materials as PDFs.

    You don't need fancy software to generate a PDF file.

    On a Mac, all you have to do is choose File > Print in any program and choose the PDF button at the bottom left corner. You then choose what to name the file and where to save it.

    I'm not quite as familiar with Windows machines; perhaps PC users can provide better instructions than what I can Google?

    Here's a CNET article on a free PDF utility:

    If you need to use the Adobe software to generate a PDF, consider using http://createpdf.adobe.com. But really, this isn't necessary for a basic PDF.

    But no matter how you do it, it's essential to know how to create PDFs.
  2. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Years ago, I had a program called <a href="http://www.docudesk.com">DocuDesk</a>. It was relatively cheap (~$20), and by using the print function, you could combine PDF files and reorder things rather easily. Frequently came in handy putting together customized job packages.

    I'm sure you can find something for free, too, but I was willing to pay a bit for piece of mind.
  3. MightyMouse

    MightyMouse Member

    This is an excellent thread topic. Even within programs, you have different versions (Office 03, 07, 10, etc...), and a Word document written on Office '03 likely will not be formatted exactly the same if it's opened on a computer that runs a newer version. Not to mention those who might be using Works, WordPerfect or iWorks.
    A PDF lets you preserve your formatting, which is crucial with resumes, especially, as TW pointed out.
    Yes, it's easier to do on a Mac. But OpenOffice can be used to create PDFs of Word documents created in Windows.
    Definitely a valuable tool.
  4. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    You know what is equally frustrating?

    Employers that make you submit a resume and fill out all the fields in the submission box.


    Editors who don't call back whether you submit something in word or PDF.
  5. nate41

    nate41 Member

    You can also download and save a Google doc as a pdf.

    Google docs are the man. I pretty much use them as a word processing unit, so I can access stuff even if I'm not on my laptop.
  6. Turtle Wexler

    Turtle Wexler Active Member

    Also: If you have a Photoshop file (.jpg, .tiff, .psd, etc.), you can save it as a Photoshop PDF. But I recommend opening the Photoshop PDF up in Acrobat (if you have it), and re-saving it as a PDF through that program. There's something about the Photoshop-generated PDF that is a little off sometimes.
  7. ShiptoShore

    ShiptoShore Member

    http://www.mergepdf.net/ is a cool tool to use. Found it when I was applying for some jobs over the past month.

    It allows you to combine PDFs, so you can submit clips in one file rather than making editors open individual PDFs, which takes time and could be a little annoying. The merged files are usually large but save time for the person reviewing the document, and it's pretty convenient.

    Jeez, I feel like an advertisement.
  8. becart

    becart New Member

    This an excellent topic as it can be really helpful for those who want to keep their work untouched. I have been using dopdf for quite a while already and I like the simplicity of the process. It functions as a document printer. And you just have to do it like you are printing a document. And, it's free of any advertisements or watermarks other programs stamp.
  9. nck228

    nck228 Member

    I've saved files from Microsoft Word 2007 as PDFs on my PC before. All you need to do is go to File -> Save As, and then from there you should be able to just click on "PDF or XPS". Don't know if this would work on 2003 or older editions of Word, though.

    Or, as nate41 said, you can upload it into Google Docs and then save it as a PDF from there. Either or works just fine.
  10. crimsonace

    crimsonace Well-Known Member

    I use a freeware software called PDFCreator. It's pretty simple -- sets up as a printer (File > Print, and set it as your default printer).
  11. I've found Google Docs are, in fact, the man for most things. One thing I don't see other people talking about is how great an archive you can create with them. I used to use my home laptop to write some stuff, my work laptop while out and about covering things and my office desktop while, well, in the office. And if I wanted to find some notes, I would have to either email them to myself or look through only the archive I had on hand. With Google Docs, I can search for a name, for instance, and get back every file with that term in it anywhere I can get online.

    I just wish GD would add some better formatting tools soon.
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