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Is Larry Johnson racist?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by jay_christley, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Boom's comments about this issue shouldn't even be taken seriously. He's most racist guy on this board.
  2. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    Took. the. words. right. out. of. my. mouth.

    Jason said exactly what my interpretation of the interview was. I don't think that LJ is racist, but to a point, he tried to toss that race card around when explaining the difference between Dick and Herm. It's not like he struggled in his young life. He played for Penn State, with his old man there. He ain't hurting for a better life. Maybe (this is me talking) that's probably a small factor in being a bitter kid. He couldn't do what he wanted to do in Happy Valley, as long as his dad was watching over his shoulder and his family being in town.

    My major contention was how he insulted Vermeil's staff by saying that (paraphrasing) "they have never played football, how would they know how to coach me?" That's a bullshit statement to make. Vermeil had been in this business for nearly four decades. Clearly he knows how to coach players, regardless who the hell they are and where they are from.

    Vermeil is an emotional touchy-feely guy around his players. He wants to know them on a personal level, and to a point, is concern about the well-being of his players (that's the perception I have of him. I could be wrong.). Yes, that can be a bit obsessive for Dick, but LJ should have known that when he arrived in K.C.. Jason was spot on with how Vermeil handled it, but Vermeil must have known something then that is making us discuss this thread now: maturity. LJ "expected" to be the starter and when he didn't what he wanted, he bitched. The only way that LJ was going to play and start, Priest either had to be traded, leave as a free agent, or be injured.

    Herm is cut from the same Vermeil coaching cloth, sans the time management on the field during the game. Herm is a "player's coach" as well. For LJ to use Herm as a "he understands me, 'cause I black" gauge is childish.

    LJ can stop trying to be the Angry Black Man and being "hard."

    If he isn't satisfied of his accomplishments to date and if he's going to harbor most of his past transgressions, then he is the one who isn't "relating" to everyone else. He's fortunate to grow up in a great home and a great family. He need to ask a few of his teammates who were not so fortunate growing up and how they were able to survive, so that LJ can understand what it's really like to be "hard."

    Or I guess that someone finally told him "no" and not "yes" to what he wants.
  3. Sportsbruh

    Sportsbruh Member

    He do not like Dick Vermeil and is THRIVING now that he's gone.

    Good for him. Glad he's honest.
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because he just sucked with Vermeil running the show last year.

    Nobody questioned his honesty. Otherwise, we wouldn't have so many examples of what a whiny, immature pain in the ass he can be.
  5. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    I missed LJ by one year at Penn State. But, boy, there were some bad stories floating around about him. Total antithesis of little brother Tony, from what I heard.
  6. jay_christley

    jay_christley Member

    Larry Johnson is averaging 4.3 yards per carry in 11 games this year (1202 yards) under Herm.
    He had a 5.2 average (1750 in 16 games) last season for Dick.

    With Herm, he has six runs of 20+ yards and 13 TDs.
    He had 15 runs of 20+ yards and 20 TDs under Dick.

    Yes, he is "thriving" this year under a black coach.
    Just not as much as he did last year under a white coach who didn't understand him.
  7. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    Whoopee. He's was coming into his own last year. Vermeil didn't hand him the rock more. Of course he's going to whine.

    Drafted in first round = start me now
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